Student Life | Issue 40

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I have been there and done this, it does not lead to many positive outcomes.

When I chose to speak to a friend I really trusted, I realised she had been

through a similar situation. We both discussed how we felt and how it affected

us. She gave me good advice and gave me tips on how to deal with anxiety.

It also gave me a lifeline, that I could speak to her whenever I felt anxious or

self-conscious to let what I have been bottling up out. Ever since then, I’ve

always found it better to speak up and let other people help you because you

never realise how much help they can give you, even when you feel like you’ve

tried everything to be ‘normal’. I know that everything probably seems like a

blur when you bottle things up, but I have found it helpful and relieving when

speaking up. I have physically felt so much better for doing so and it has made

my mental health improve.

So, if anything helpful is to come out of my article, I would recommend that you

speak up to someone if you feel unhappy or feel like you are bottling too much

up. Please do not ignore your feelings or disregard your mental health because

it is important to take care of yourself before it affects you too much, both

mentally and physically.


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