Student Life | Issue 40

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If you are struggling with setting

specific limits then simply create a

rough outline of how much you would

like to spend on each person’s gifts.

If you’re worried about going over

your limit, then either go back to

your initial planning stage and try to

make some small cuts or add a sort

of financial cushion to the end of your

list which could be used to cover costs

for any extras (whether it’s a gift for

the dog or some new Christmas décor

for the house).

Another tip would be to start planning

and buying anything Christmas

related as early as possible to prevent

it from getting too chaotic later on,

but if you only start thinking about

Christmas once it gets to December

like me, then there’s still hope! You

may have had a look at the many

online sales that have been going on

recently as part of Black Friday and

Cyber Monday, especially since stores

have been shut during the lockdown,

but if you’re still missing some

Christmas gifts for others, you should

take advantage of the offers and

discounts that most stores should

continue having over the next week.

It’s not a surprise that this year might

be one of the roughest Christmases

because of the economic downturn

as well as the devastating effects of

COVID on the health of many of our

loved ones, so equally it’s no surprise

that we might not be so well prepared

for Christmas this year. But if you

want to ensure a decent budget for

next year then it’s never too early

to start saving, so perhaps start a

specific savings account dedicated

to next year’s Christmas shop?

Nowadays it’s something that can be

done in as little as ten minutes on

most online banking apps – but make

sure to research which options are

best for you.


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