last final thesis of umer

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First of all thanks to Almighty Allah (sw), for helping me in all circumstances to complete the course

work and my thesis research successfully. Next I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to my

major adviser Dr. Daniel Gebrekidan for his unreserved genuine guidance and constructive

comments, starting from proposal writing to end of the work and I appreciate his readiness to share

his experience and knowledge. I am so grateful to my co-adviser Dr. Alemtsehay Tsegay for her

positive comments, suggestions and criticisms, throughout the research time.

Special thanks also go to Haramay University soil laboratory technicians for their support on

analyzing soil phsio-chemical properties.

Many thanks also go to Jigjija University for providing me land for the field experiment, inputs and

equipment for field work, data collection and measurements.

Grateful thanks is also extended to the staff and the management of Melkasa Agricultural Research

Center for providing me improved maize (melkasa-4) and cowpea varieties (Kenketi, Black eye

bean and bole) seeds.

Finally, I want to express my love and thanks to my companions Hassen,Abdi and Abdikadir for

their help and good friendship during the thesis research.


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