Viva la música. Celebrating the comeback of New Orleans' music festivals! Celebrando el regreso de los festivales en Nueva Orleans!

Viva la música. Celebrating the comeback of New Orleans' music festivals!
Celebrando el regreso de los festivales en Nueva Orleans!


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Vitamin D?

Yes, Please!

By Lia Threat

Lia Threat is certified wellness coach based in

New Orleans. She holds individual and group

sessions and works with schools in the

metropolitan area. You can contact her at


10 ~ VIVA NOLA April / May 2022


As many locals

know, the

summer heat

is approaching with the

arrival of April and May.

With cooler breezes still

sprinkling in, it is nice to

get higher doses of the

naturally occurring sun

vitamin - Vitamin D.

The summer boosts

happier moods and spirits,

partly due to our exposure

to more sunlight. Vitamin

D is responsible for many

different processes in the

human body. Although

there are rich food sources

of Vitamin D, such as cod

liver oil, meat, fortified

milk, eggs, butter, and

mushrooms, the best way

to absorb Vitamin D is

through the skin. Outdoor

activities are a great way

to get a dose. In addition,

the skin should be exposed

for short amounts of time,

depending on the melanin

in the skin (darker skin may

need more exposure).

Time of day, latitude,

pollution, and season

(winter vs. summer) can

influence absorption.

Oral intake can vary with

dosage recommendations

increasing for those with

osteoporosis, diabetes

mellitus, obesity, and

those on glucocorticoids.

Additionally, the exciting

role Vitamin D may play

in emerging SARS-CoVinfection

and outcomes is

still being researched.

Vitamin D also works

synergistically with calcium

and Vitamin K in the body.

Before supplementing,

check with your doctor

to evaluate levels first

since some may require

therapeutic doses. Also,

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble

vitamin; therefore, food

sources and supplements

should be consumed with a

meal or other fats such as

olive oil, avocado or dairy.

Louisiana has many

outdoor festivals during

this season, so pick your

favorite and enjoy some

Vitamin D responsibly!

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