Un Ospite di Venezia n-7 luglio 2023

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).


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Musei Civici


Riva S. Biasio, Castello 2148 |

1 Actv - Arsenale

Raccolta di cimeli della Serenissima e della Marina Militare Italiana.

Esposti modelli in scala, memorie storiche dell’Arsenale,

uniformi e stendardi oltre ad una collezione di conchiglie della

stilista Roberta di Camerino.

Attualmente aperto solo in sua sezione esterna.

A collection of memorabilia of the Serene Republic and the Italian

Navy. Scaled models, historic mementoes from the Arsenal, a

collection of uniforms and banners. A significant collection of shells

donated by designer Roberta di Camerino.

Only open currently in its outer section.

041 244.13.99 www.marina.difesa.it 10.00 | 7,50

11.00 - 18.00 Martedì | Tuesday


Fondamenta Giustinian 8 |

5.1-5.2 Actv - Museo

Con sede nell’antico palazzo dei Vescovi di Torcello presenta,

nelle sue sale di recente restaurate e riallestite, una vasta rassegna

storica del vetro muranese con importanti pezzi prodotti

tra il ‘400 e il ‘900, tra cui capolavori di rinomanza mondiale.

Based within the ancient Bishops’ palace at Torcello, it displays an extensive

historical collection of Murano glass in its recently renovated

and redesigned rooms, with major items from the 15th to the 20th

centuries, including world-famed masterpieces.

041 73 95 86 www.museovetro.visitmuve.it 10,00 | 7,50

10.00 - 18.00 (chiusura biglietteria un'ora prima)

10.00 - 20.00 (19) tutti i venerdì e sabato, lunedì 14 e martedì 15 agosto


Piazza Galuppi 187 |

12 Actv - Burano

Ospitato nella storica Scuola dei Merletti dell’isola, questo

museo documenta attraverso più di duecento rari e preziosi

esemplari e un archivio con documenti e disegni, l’evoluzione

della preziosa manifattura tessile sviluppata a Venezia tra il

Cinquecento e il Novecento.

Housed in the historic Lace-making School in Burano, the museum

documents the evolution of this priceless textile manufacturing,

which developed in Venice between the 16th and 20th centuries,

through more than two hundred rare and valuable examples and an

archive with documents and drawings.

041 73 00 34 www.museomerletto.visitmuve.it 5,00 | 3,50

10.00 - 17.00 Lunedì | Monday

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