Un Ospite di Venezia n-7 luglio 2023

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).


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Musei Statali


Santa Croce 2076 |

1 Actv - San Stae

La raccolta, formata negli ultimi decenni del XIX secolo da Enrico

di Borbone, presenta una tra le maggiori collezioni di arte

giapponese del periodo Edo (1600 – 1868) esistenti in Europa

oltre a sezioni dedicate a Cina e Indonesia con armi, stoffe,

porcellane, strumenti musicali…

The collection, assembled in the last decades of the 19th century by

Henry of Bourbon, features one of the largest collections existing

in Europe of Japanese art from the Edo period (1600 – 1868) as well

as sections dedicated to China and Indonesia, with weapons, fabrics,

porcelain and musical instruments

041 524 11 73 www.orientalevenezia.beniculturali.it/

10.00 - 18.00 Lunedì | Monday 10,00 | 7,50


Piazzetta San Marco, 17 | 1-2 Actv - San Marco Vallaresso

Collezione di antichità che ha preso origine nel Cinquecento

con esempi di scultura greca e romana e sezioni egizie e assiro-babilonesi

appartenenti alla collezione archeologica del

museo Correr. Esposte ceramiche, gemme e monete oltre a

raccolte di camei e pietre preziose.

An antiquities collection which began in the 16th century, with examples

of Greek and Roman sculpture and Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian

sections, belonging to the Correr Museum archaeological

collection. Ceramics, gems and coins are on display, in addition to a

collection of cameos and precious stones.

041.296 76 63 www.polomuseale.venezia.it

1o.00-18.00 30,00 | 15,00


Piazzetta San Marco, 13/a |

1-2 Actv - San Marco Vallaresso

Opera di Jacopo Sansovino, l’antica libreria, eretta e decorata

da opere dei più noti pittori del Rinascimento tra il 1537 e il 1560,

nasce per accogliere degnamente i codici greci e latini donati

alla Repubblica di Venezia dal Cardinale Bessarione nel 1468.

Jacopo Sansovino’s work, this ancient library, built and decorated with

artwork by the most famed Renaissance painters between 1537 and

1560, was born to offer suitable housing for the Greek and Latin manuscripts

donated to the Venice Republic by Cardinal Bessarione in 1468.

041 240 72 11 www.marciana.venezia.sbn.it

10.00-18.00 30,00 | 15,00 (vedi ingresso Museo Correr)

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