Un Ospite di Venezia n-7 luglio 2023

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).


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Scuole di devozione


San Polo, 3052

1-2 Actv San Tomà

Nata come confraternita di devozione dei Battuti nel 1478 e tra

le poche sopravvissute agli editti napoleonici del 1806.

La Scuola è oggi nota grazie anche allo straordinario ciclo pittorico

eseguito al suo interno da Jacopo Robusti, noto come il


Born as a Battuti devotion brotherhood in 1478, and among the few

to survive Napoleon’s 1806 edicts, the School is also known today due

to the wonderful painting cycle inside by Jacopo Robusti, known as


041 523.48.64 www.scuolagrandesanrocco.org

9.30 - 17.30 10,00 | 8,00


San Polo, 2454

1-2 Actv San Tomà

È una delle cinque grandi Scuole di devozione della città. Vi

si ammirano la facciata in stile gotico fiorito, lo scalone monumentale,

opera del Codussi, lo splendido salone di San Giovanni

e l’Oratorio della Croce con il prezioso reliquiario. Visita

secondo un calendario mensile.

It is one of the five great devotion Schools or guilds in town. One may

admire its floral Gothic façade, the monumental staircase by Codussi,

the splendid Saint John salon and Oratory of the Cross with its precious

reliquary. Visits according to a monthly calendar.

041 71.82.34 www.scuolasangiovanni.it

Visita guidata su prenotazione - Guided visit with reservation 10 | 8


Dorsoduro 2617 (Campo Carmini)

1 Actv - Ca’ Rezzonico

È l’ottava e ultima per fondazione tra quelle esistenti durante la

Repubblica Serenissima.

È nota per il suo ciclo pittorico composto da tele del Tiepolo, di

Giambattista Piazzetta e del Padovanino.

It is the eighth and last one founded, among the ones extant during

the Serene Republic.

It is known for its painting cycle, consisting of canvases by Tiepolo,

Giambattista Piazzetta and Padovanino.

041 528.94.20 www.scuolagrandecarmini.it

10.00 - 17.00 7,00 | 5,00

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