Un Ospite di Venezia n-7 luglio 2023

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).

series of three concerts by Laura Pausini, one of the best-known Italian singers on the international scene nowadays, who will perform five years after the album that garnered her the Latin Grammy and her latest live concert (30 June, 1,2 July), then continuing with La Fenice Theatre which will present an extraordinary performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by the great Slovak maestro Juraj Valčuha (8 July).


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Musei Statali


Campo della Carità, Dorsoduro 1050 | 1-2 Actv - Accademia

Annoverato tra i maggiori musei italiani presenta la più completa

collezione di dipinti veneziani e veneti dal Trecento bizantino

e gotico al Rinascimento, fino al vedutismo del Settecento.

Tra le opere quelle di Bellini, Giorgione, Tiziano, Veronese,

Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi…

Listed as one of the major Italian museums, it presents the most complete

collection of Venetian and Veneto paintings from the Byzantine

and Gothic 14th century to the Renaissance, up to 18th century

landscape painting. It includes artworks by Bellini, Giorgione, Titian,

Veronese, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi…

041 522 22 47 www.gallerieaccademia.it

8.15 - 19.15 | Lun - Mon 8.15 - 14,00 12,00 / ridotto 2,00


Cannaregio 3932 (Strada Nuova) |

1 Actv - Ca’ d’Oro

Prestigiosa collezione del barone Franchetti inserita in un noto

palazzo sul Canal Grande tra i più alti esempi di architettura

tardo-gotica a Venezia. Tra le raccolte, quelle di scultura, di

bronzetti, di dipinti italiani (Mantegna, Tiziano, Guardi) fiamminghi

e olandesi.

Baron Giorgio Franchetti’s prestigious collection, located in a wellknown

building on the Grand Canal, one of the finest examples of late

Gothic architecture in Venice. The collections include sculptures, bronzes

and Italian (Mantegna, Titian, Guardi), Flemish and Dutch paintings.

041 522 23 19 www.cadoro.org - 10,00/5,50

Lun. Mon: 8:15-14. Da martedì a sabato From Tuesday to Friday : 8.15-19.

Domenica e giorni festivi Sunday and Holyday: 9.00-19.00.


Ramo Grimani, Castello 4858 |

1-2 Actv - Rialto / San Zaccaria

Esempio pressoché unico in città di architettura rinascimentale

fonde elementi tosco-romani con l’ambiente veneziano.

Tra gli elementi di spicco la Tribuna, già sede di una raccolta

archeologica, il Cortile con la monumentale scala di accesso,

le splendide decorazioni pittoriche.

An almost unique example of Renaissance architecture in town,

blending Tuscan and Roman elements with Venetian surroundings.

Its outstanding aspects feature the Tribuna area, once hosting an

archaeological collection, the Courtyard with its monumental entry-staircase

and splendid decorative paintings.

041 520 03 45 www.palazzogrimani.org

10.00 - 19.00 Lunedì - Monday 14,00 / 7.00

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