Effects of isochaborat testosterone on the kidney rats

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Review of Literature

Lastly, AAS may induce NMDA receptor phosphorylation in order to increase

excitatory neurotransmission, resulting in an increment of aggression. Long-term

research is needed to clarify the mechanisms and the organic and social processes

involved in neuropsychiatric effects of AAS abuse (Havnes et al., 2020).

Cardiovascular System

Not with standing the elevated morbidity and mortality, cardiac and metabolic

consequences of AAS abuse are still unclear. Cardiac injury is the most frequent

consequence of the administration of exogenous steroids, compared with the

remaining body tissues and organs (Bjrnebekk et al., 2019).

Moreover, it was demonstrated that after administration of AAS treated animals

lost the adaptive response of exercise-induced amelioration of antioxidant activity

(Bates et al., 2019).

When performing an autopsy in a sudden death case involving a young athlete,

attention to the physical phenotype is mandatory in order to suggest AAS abuse and

perform a detailed examination of the heart (Zahnow et al., 2017).

Other studies found increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels

after long-term AAS administration, underlining the promotion of athe rogenesis of

these substances. An increased sympathetic activity was observed after AAS

administration (Struik et al., 2018).

AAS users show multi organ dysfunction compared to non-users. Long-term

training associated with AAS administration reduces left ventricle relaxation

properties. In this regard, the use of AAS is associated with the loss of the effects on

left ventricle function (Smit et al., 2020).

Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent event but ventricular arrhythmias and

sudden cardiac death were described in literature (De Ronde and Ferretti, 2020).

In addition, 3% of AAS users had myocardial infarction as a consequence of

atherosclerotic disease. Experimental data showed that in animal treated with AAS


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