Effects of isochaborat testosterone on the kidney rats

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Materials and Methods

1.1.6.Apply the Eosin Counterstain

The section is now stained with an aqueous or alcoholic solution of eosin

(depending on personal preference). These colors many nonnuclear elements in

different shades of pink.

1.1.7.Rinse, Dehydrate, Clear and Mount (Apply Cover


Following the eosin stain, the slide is passed through several changes of

alcohol to remove all traces of water, and then rinsed in several baths of xylene

which “clears” the tissue and renders it completely transparent. A thin layer of

polystyrene mountant is applied, followed by a glass coverslip. If the stain and

all the subsequent steps have been properly performed, the slide will reveal all

the important microscopic components and be stable for many years.

In short: Tissue Processing used for light microscopic examination was

(Paraffin Method). Specimens were prepared by gross fixed then perfused in

10% neutral buffered formaline for 48-72 hours, followed by a dehydration

using a series of graded ethanol in ascending concentrations (50%, 70%, 95%,

and 100%), immersed in xylene for clearing, infiltrated in paraffin wax, and

finally embedded in paraffin wax. 4-6 micrometer thick paraffin sections were

obtained by using Rotary Microtome to inspect for histoarchitectural changes at

(200x and 400x ) magnification (Bancroft et al., 2013).

2-Electron microscopic examination:

According to the method described by Layton and Suvarna for the

electron microscopic analysis, cortex and medulla of kidneys tissues was

processed for electron microscope (Bancroft et al., 2013).

In the following sections, the basic steps to prepared slides are outlined.


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