Effects of isochaborat testosterone on the kidney rats

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Review of Literature

a sign of illegal administration of testosterone in forensic investigations (Machek et

al., 2020).

This methodology is not directly applicable to females, because oral

contraceptive therapy suppresses LH secretion (Schneider et al., 2022).

This is however a complex and expensive technique and is not used in forensic

doping investigations (McBride et al., 2018).

Serum testosterone

The circulating testosterone is to approximately 97-98% bound to plasma

proteins. In male is 44% and in females 66% of testosterone bound with high affinity

to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and the remaining major part is with much

lower affinity bound to human serum albumin, leaving only 1-2% as free circulating

testosterone (Lykhonosov and Babenko, 2019).

The free hormone hypothesis, which has been questioned, states that only

unbound testosterone is biologically active in target tissues. It has also been suggested

that SHBG bound testosterone can act on prostate and testicles (Butzke et al., 2022).

Although various procedures have been described for the measurement of free

testosterone. These methods are too complex and time consuming for routine use in

clinical laboratories (Nelson et al., 2022).

The accuracy of the calculations largely depends on the methods used for

measurement, SHBG concentrations, choice of affinity constant and other factors

(Magnolini et al., 2022).

Recently it was shown that the binding of testosterone to SHBG is a more

complex process including multi-step interactions and that this new model better

correlate to equilibrium dialysis in both men and women (Zaami et al., 2021).


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