Effects of isochaborat testosterone on the kidney rats

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Materials and Methods

(Sustanon ®250) was being administered weekly for two months based

on the body weight.

1.5.Specimens collection

At the end date of experiment (the two months) of treatment, all rats were

scarified after giving deep anesthesia by with phenobarbital (50 mg/kg body


The rat abdomen was opened, the kidney was dissected out, cut into 2-3

mm segments.

The kidneys were excised and processed for light and electron

microscopic examination.

The changes in the kidney associated with the dose of sustanon of each

group of rats were studied and examined using light and electron microscopic


Light microscopic studies to assesed the histological structure of the

cortical and medullary regions of the kidney.

Electron microscopic studies to assesed epithelial cells of renal tubeules

and interstitial changes.

Used (Sustanon ®250) (250mg/ml) and the volume used was 1ml in

different concentrations and sesame oil.

Slides were examined under the light and electron microscopes in low

and high magnifications.


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