Effects of isochaborat testosterone on the kidney rats

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Review of Literature

According to a recent study, chronic AAS abuse should be considered when a

muscular man presents with hypogonadism, onset of gynecomastia (Pope et al.,


Hematologic Consequences

Before the introduction of recombinant human erythropoietin, AAS were used

in the treatment of anemials; indeed, AAS are capable of increasing erythropoietin

secretion. AAS abuse has been recurrently associated with an increased risk of

thrombosis (Hernández-Guerra et al., 2019).

However, the association has primarily been based on case reports. Increased

LDL and decreased HDL are linked to an increased cardiovascular risk. Mild, but

significant, increases in mean RBC s , hematocrit, Hg , and WBC s concentrations in 33

men were described after IM testosterone enanthate, 200 mg every 3 or 4 weeks for 24

weeks (Hill and Waring, 2019).

The influence of AAS on plasma concentration and function of coagulation

factors depends on the substance and the dose of the AAS (Sandvik et al., 2018).

A recent report suggested a possible correlation between AAS abuse and

immunodeficiency that may be related to a mimicking action of corticosteroid activity

(Harvey et al., 2022).

AAS and Cancer

The biochemical mechanism of AAS is similar to that of testosterone. AAS

bind to DNA sequences. In a recent review regarding androgen effects on cellular

functions, it was stated that a combination among genetic and epigenetic factors is the

cause of toxicity (Vilar Neto et al., 2021).

However, AAS related genotoxicity still remains unclear. Epigenetic molecular

mechanisms, which lead to a genetic transcription control, are: DNA methylation,

histone and chromatin (Chegeni et al., 2021).


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