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164 Biographical Vignettes<br />

sität Braunschweig), which he attended from 1792 to 1795, and to the University<br />

of Göttingen from 1795 to 1798. His first great breakthrough came in 1796<br />

when he showed that any regular polygon with a number of sides which is a<br />

Fermat prime can be constructed by compass and straightedge. This achievement<br />

led Gauss to choose Mathematics, which he termed the Queen of the<br />

Sciences, as his life’s vocation. Gauss was so enthused by this discovery that<br />

he requested that a regular heptadecagon (17 sided polygon) be inscribed on his<br />

tombstone, a request that was not fulfilled because of the technical challenge<br />

which it posed. He returned to Braunschweig in 1798 without a degree but received<br />

his doctorate in abstentia from the University of Helmstedt in 1799 with<br />

a dissertation on the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra under the nominal supervision<br />

of J. F. Pfaff. With the Duke’s stipend to support him, he published,<br />

in 1801, his magnum opus Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, a work which he had<br />

completed in 1798 at age 21. Disquisitiones Arithmeticae summarized previous<br />

work in a systematic way, resolved some of the most difficult outstanding<br />

questions, and formulated concepts and questions that set the pattern of research<br />

for a century and that still have significance today. It is here that he<br />

introduced modular arithmetic and proved the law of quadratic reciprocity as<br />

well as appended his work on constructions with compass and straightedge.<br />

In this same year, 1801, he predicted the orbit of Ceres with great accuracy<br />

using the method of least squares, a feat which brought him wide recognition.<br />

With the Duke’s death, he left Braunschweig in 1807 to take up the position of<br />

director of the Göttingen observatory, a post which he held for the rest of his<br />

life. In 1809, he published Theoria motus corporum coelestium, his two volume<br />

treatise on the motion of celestial bodies. His involvement with the geodetic<br />

survey of the state of Hanover (when he invented the heliotrope) led to his<br />

interest in differential geometry. Here, he contributed the notion of Gaussian<br />

curvature and the Theorema Egregium which informally states that the curvature<br />

of a surface can be determined entirely by measuring angles and distances<br />

on the surface, i.e. curvature of a two-dimensional surface does not depend<br />

on how the surface is embedded in three-dimensional space. With Wilhelm<br />

Weber, he investigated terrestrial magnetism, discovered the laws of electric<br />

circuits, developed potential theory and invented the electromechanical telegraph.<br />

His work for the Göttingen University widows’ fund is considered part<br />

of the foundation of actuarial science. Property 38 describes the equilateral<br />

triangle in the Gauss plane and Property 39 states Gauss’ Theorem on Triangular<br />

Numbers. Although not enamored with teaching, he counted amongst<br />

his students such luminaries as Bessel, Dedekind and Riemann. The CGS unit<br />

of magnetic induction is named for him and his image was featured on the<br />

German Deutschmark as well as on three stamps. Gauss was not a prolific<br />

writer, which is reflected in his motto Pauca sed matura (“Few, but ripe”).<br />

What he did publish may best be described as terse, in keeping with his belief

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