B-UIC 17

Revista de la Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Socials de UIC Barcelona | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de UIC Barcelona.

Revista de la Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Socials de UIC Barcelona | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de UIC Barcelona.


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Leadership is a skill you learn both in and outside the classroom.

teaching staff and faculty members, so we were really privileged in

that sense. We basically had private classes with the best of the best!

We shared classes with other faculties and we used to meet up in

the bar and library, so we got to know almost everyone really well.

I keep in touch with some of the teachers and with my Dean from

that time. As I said, we were surrounded by such great people,

which I think made all the difference.

What values do you think the university gave you and how

are they reflected in your daily work?

Universities have to provide students with a general knowledge

base in order to send them out into the world of work. Then comes

methodology and effort. You can start to decide what you want

to study, something that really motivates you. Until that point,

everything has been mapped out for you, but now it’s time to start

making your own decisions and plotting out your future, which

should motivate you rather than overwhelm you.

What do you remember about your university years?

Like any good entrepreneur, I was always motivated by

“challenges”, and I remember asking at the beginning of my studies

which was the most difficult subject. It turns out, Econometrics.

Well, there was my challenge. I remember that it was one of my best

marks and I was even able to help my classmates with their studies.

But the best thing was when teachers who had extensive

experience would share their stories. Professor Francesc Cabanes

was a living encyclopaedia of World Economic History. The Dean,

Juan Francisco Corona, was so well connected and understood

Liberal Economics very clearly, therefore, so did we.

How has your approach to leadership changed over the years?

Leadership is a skill you learn both in and outside the classroom. I

think communication is extremely important. We must know how to

convey our thoughts to those around us. Otherwise, we cannot lead.

professionally speaking, perhaps the ability to show enthusiasm

and passion at the start of a project. Sometimes it is the only

weapon you have to convince big suppliers, clients or even fellow

employees of your idea.

The worst obstacle is admitting that something you’ve put a lot of

effort and passion into isn’t working. In the end, we don’t have to fall in

love with our projects until the end, things either work or they don’t. In

fact, most likely they won’t. But we must know when to stop.

As entrepreneurs, we should explain our failures more often, as we

can all learn more from them than from the success stories. .

What does it take to be a good entrepreneur? What do you

think are the keys to success?

It has a lot to do with your attitude and fear of risk. It’s not for

everyone and it’s important to know who you are to know which

group you’re in. That’s why I think it’s good to have experience

from both sides, working for others and for yourself. When

we analyse early-stage companies, we focus on the team,

which is undoubtedly the most important factor; a competent,

multidisciplinary team that is invested in the project. Success also

requires hard work on a daily basis.

How do you keep up with the latest business trends and


Being on different boards that analyse start-ups helps me keep an

eye on new trends.

What advice would you give to current students who are

about to start their careers?

It is normal to not really know what you want to do. My advice is

that instead of looking for a job, they look for bosses. Look for

somewhere you can learn, as this is a very important learning phase

that will help define your future. In the first years of your career, the

more knowledge you have, the better.

Over the years you realise that IQ is just as important as EQ,

i.e., emotional intelligence. Without it, we cannot lead teams or

companies, let alone start-ups.

What is your greatest achievement and how did you make it

happen? What about your greatest obstacle? How did you

overcome it?

My greatest achievement is definitely becoming a father! But

Your favourite film

Dead Poet’s Society.

A book

Right now I’m reading Bailar

en la cocina (‘Dancing in the

kitchen’), by Pep Borrell.

Your favourite music

Spanish pop.


Sailing and skiing.

B-UIC — 23

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