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72<br />

Discussion<br />

Genista lobelii has a fragmented distribution<br />

with many isolated stations, mainly on the<br />

summits of the principal calcareous mountains<br />

of Basse Provence where Mediterranean<br />

mountains plants and orophytes species are<br />

frequent (more than 30%). Plant species associated<br />

with G. lobelii are mainly represented<br />

by Chamephytes and Hemichryptophytes<br />

“fruticose Chamaephytes” of stress pole type.<br />

The dominance of fruticose Chamaephytes<br />

species can be explained by the strong constraints,<br />

in particularly the xeric microclimat<br />

i.e. soil drought, calcareous lithosol and winds<br />

frequently higher than 100 km/h. These<br />

extreme conditions can also explain the<br />

absence of xenophytes species, except for the<br />

presence of Cedrus atlantica which was<br />

deliberately planted by the “Office national<br />

des forêts” within the “Calanques” hills area.<br />

On studying thorny-cushion, Nimis (1981)<br />

showed that the Genista association, in west<br />

Mediterranean region, are characterized by a<br />

higher incidence of Mediterranean species<br />

and Therophytes and relatively low percentage<br />

of endemics. Indeed, we observe 70% of<br />

Mediterranean species in our relevés and relatively<br />

few endemics (2%) or subendemics<br />

(3%). In comparison, endemism reaches 35%<br />

in the mountain parts of Corsica (Thompson<br />

2005) and between 30 and 40% in the summit<br />

areas of Sierra Nevada (Blanca et al.<br />

1999). This observation suggests that elevations<br />

of Basse Provence are not sufficiently<br />

Appendix 2 – The 30 most frequent species of each cluster of station, used to describe association with Genista lobelii (appendix 2.1<br />

for cluster 1, appendix 2.2 for cluster 2 and appendix 2.3 for cluster 3) with their family, biological cycle, dispersal<br />

modes (Baro: Barochory; Hydr: Hydrochory; AuM: mechanical Autochory; Apro: Autochory by steam projection;<br />

Alou: heavy Anemochory; Aleg: light Anemochory; Zepi: Epi-Zoochory “transported on animals”; Zend: Endo-Zoochory<br />

“seeds are eaten by animals”; Zele: Zoochory with elaiosomes; Zdys: transport by animals but not eaten), biological<br />

traits (Ch: Chamaephytes; G: Geophytes; H: Hemicryptophytes; P: Phanerophytes; Th: Therophytes), demographic<br />

strategies (C: Competitor; R: Ruderal; S: Stress-tolerant) and biogeographical distribution (Steno-Medit: Mediterranean<br />

sensu stricto; Euri-Medit: Mediterranean sensu lato; Medit-Mont: Mediterranean mountains; Oroph: European<br />

Orophytes; Endem: Endemic).<br />

Appendix 2.1 – Cluster no 1<br />

Species Frequence Family Biological Seeds Biological Demographic Biogeography<br />

(%) cycle dispersal traits stratigies<br />

Thymus vulgaris subsp. vulgaris 100 Lamiaceae Perennial Zele Ch S Steno-W-Medit.<br />

Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. italicum 92 Cistaceae Perennial Apro Ch SR Euri-N-Medit.<br />

Anthyllis vulneraria 90 Fabaceae Annual, Perennial Alou Th, H SR Eurasiatic<br />

Iberis saxatilis 90 Brassicaceae Perennial Baro Ch S N-Medit.-Mont.<br />

Sesleria caerulea 85 Poaceae Perennial Alou H CS Oroph. C-Europ.<br />

Amelanchier ovalis 83 Rosaceae Perennial Zend P CS Medit.-Mont.<br />

Cerastium arvense subsp. suffruticosum 81 Caryophyllaceae Perennial Apro Ch S Oroph. S-Europ.<br />

Teucrium polium subsp. polium 77 Lamiaceae Perennial Zele Ch S Steno-Medit.<br />

Cerastium pumilum 75 Caryophyllaceae Annual Apro Th SR Euri-Medit.<br />

Juniperus phoenicea subsp. phoenicea 75 Pinaceae Perennial Zend P CS Euri-Medit.<br />

Hornungia petraea 69 Brassicaceae Annual AuM Th SR Euri-Medit.<br />

Santolina chamaecyparissus 69 Asteraceae Perennial Apro Ch S N-Medit.-Mont.<br />

Anthyllis montana 67 Fabaceae Perennial Alou H S Medit.-Mont.<br />

Galium corrudifolium 67 Rubiaceae Perennial Zepi H S Euri-Medit., Steno-Medit.<br />

Koeleria vallesiana subsp. vallesiana 67 Poaceae Perennial Apro H S Euri-Medit.<br />

Sedum ochroleucon 63 Crassulaceae Perennial Hydr Ch S N-Medit.-Mont.<br />

Stipa offneri 63 Poaceae Perennial Alou H S Steno-NW-Medit.<br />

Seseli galloprovinciale 62 Apiaceae Perennial Baro H S Subendem.<br />

Teucrium aureum 62 Lamiaceae Perennial Baro Ch S W-Medit.-Mont.<br />

Festuca marginata subsp. marginata 56 Poaceae Perennial Alou H S Endem. W-Alpica<br />

Teucrium chamaedrys 56 Lamiaceae Perennial Baro Ch CS Euri-Medit.<br />

Valeriana tuberosa 56 Valerianaceae Perennial Alou G S Medit.-Mont.<br />

Crepis albida 54 Asteraceae Perennial Aleg H S Oroph. SW-Europ.<br />

Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia 52 Caryophyllaceae Annual Apro Th SR Subcosmop.<br />

Helianthemum apenninum subsp. apenninum 52 Cistaceae Perennial Apro Ch SR SW-Europ.<br />

Lactuca perennis 52 Asteraceae Perennial Aleg H CS Euri-W-Medit.<br />

Lavandula angustifolia 52 Lamiaceae Perennial Apro Ch S Steno-W-Medit.<br />

Scorzonera austriaca subsp. bupleurifolia 52 Asteraceae Perennial Aleg H S SE-Europ.-S-Siber.<br />

Sedum sediforme 48 Crassulaceae Perennial Hydr Ch S Steno-Medit.<br />

Campanula rotundiflora subsp. macrorhiza 46 Campanulaceae Perennial Apro H S Endem. S-France<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 36 (1) – 2010

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