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Lampiran 3: Tabel Besaran Komisi

Appendix 3: Table of Commission Rate

General Seller’s Commission Rate is: 5% (five percent) for all Product Categories and Seller should follow up below Commission Rate

reference after become “Qualified Seller”.

Nilai Komisi General Seller adalah: 5% (lima persen) untuk seluruh Kategori Produk dan Penjual akan mengikuti Nilai Komisi

dibawah ini setelah menjadi “Qualified Seller”.

Tabel Besaran Komisi:

Table of Commission Rate:

Kategori barang yang dapat diterapkan oleh Penjual pada

Produk Penjual di Platform JD.ID dan harga yang sesuai

mengenai biaya layanan teknis terlampir sebagai berikut

(suatu daftar terpisah dapat dilampirkan di tabel ini):

Para Pihak telah dengan seksama membaca informasi yang

dinyatakan di atas dan menyetujui ketepatan informasi

tersebut. Para Pihak setuju bahwa penandatanganan pada

halaman tanda tangan dianggap persetujuan atas seluruh

konten di dalam tabel ini.

The categories of goods that the shop may operate on the

Platform JD.ID and the corresponding rates of technical

service fee are listed as follows (a separate list may be

attached hereto)

The Parties have carefully read the above-mentioned

information and confirmed the accuracy thereof. The

Parties agree that signing on the signature page is deemed

as the confirmation of all the contents within this table.

First Category Name Second Category Name Third Category Name Commison Rate


Automotive Bikers Accessories & Treatment 10%

Bikers Accessories &


Motorcycle Oils & Fluid 20%


Automotive Car Audio & Video 10%

Automotive Car Care & Tools 10%

Automotive Car Sparepart & Accessories 10%

Automotive Glassware (all product in warehouse) 10%

Automotive Motorcycle 4%

Automotive Motorcycle Parts 10%

Automotive Motorcycle Parts Motorcycle Tires 5%

Automotive Power System 10%

Automotive Car Storage 10%

First Category Name Second Category Name Third Category Name Commison Rate

CAMERAS 2.5-5%

Cameras Camera Accessories 5%

Cameras Cameras 2.5%

First Category Name Second Category Name Third Category Name Commison Rate

FASHION 10-20%


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