fascicolo / issue 1 - CRA-PAV

fascicolo / issue 1 - CRA-PAV

fascicolo / issue 1 - CRA-PAV


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Petria 20 (1), 1-72 (2010) – Atti Convegno - Ancona, 26 Febbraio/February 2010to 500 g/ha. In this year, when P. viticola was particularly virulent, it was possibleto notice that with the same concentration of copper metal per hectare (300 g/ha) forFunguran-OH 250SC and copper hydroxide 15% DF, the effectiveness of both of theproducts were similar statistically. The phytotoxicity assessments noted some lightnecrotic dots on the leaves, which were visible only at the higher doses, althoughthese never caused damage to the plants. For the bunches and shoots, no symptomswere noted.To conclude, the new copper hydroxide Funguran-OH 250SC may representa valid alternative among the copper products for the vine growers, in all of thesituations where a reduction in copper metal dosing is required.Key words: Copper hydroxide, Downy mildew, Grapevine.Lavori citati/ReferencesBortolotti P.P., R. Nannini, M. Scannavini, 2006. Valutazione di diversi compostirameici a basso dosaggio nella difesa antiperonosporica della vite in provinciadi Modena. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche, 2, 173-178.Dongiovanni C., M. Giampaolo, A. Di Carolo, A. Gasparre, N. Masiello, A.Santomauro, F. Faretra, 2008. Attività antiperonosporica di dosi ridotti dirame e di sostanze alternative in vigneti dell’Italia meridionale. Atti GiornateFitopatologiche, 2, 315-320.Egger E., M.E.M. D’Arcangelo, 2006. Valutazione dell’efficacia di antiperonosporicia basso apporto di rame nella difesa della vite in Toscana. Atti GiornateFitopatologiche, 2, 179-186.Morando A., F. Sozzani, G. Moiraghi, 2005. Rameici a dosaggio ridotto contro laperonospora della vite. L’Informatore Agrario, 61(13), 67-69.34

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