City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
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Strategic location in Latin America<br />
Support for micro<br />
and small businesses.<br />
Check out more details of Bill<br />
1.105/2003 and its criteria below:<br />
The municipality of <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> has a<br />
SEBRAE service center for entrepreneurs; which comes<br />
from a partnership among SEBRAE-<strong>SP</strong>, <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Serra</strong> City Hall, <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Commercial and<br />
Business Association (ACEIS), and the <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Serra</strong> Development Agency (AGENDIS). The objective<br />
is to provide assistance to future entrepreneurs and<br />
micro and small entrepreneurs to improve and develop<br />
their projects through courses, lectures, workshops, and<br />
gui<strong>da</strong>nce.<br />
For companies looking for new locations for their<br />
businesses, <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> offers tax incentives<br />
for small and medium-sized companies. In addition,<br />
the city has other favorable aspects for new ventures<br />
that come to live on <strong>Itapecerica</strong>n soil. The location is<br />
privileged, since it is crossed by two important highways:<br />
Rodovia Régis Bittencourt and Rodoanel Mário Covas.<br />
The Régis Bittencourt Highway interconnects the<br />
most important economic hubs in the Southeast and<br />
South regions, consequently connecting with the main<br />
MERCOSUR countries. For example, the highway that<br />
connects São Paulo to Curitiba covers 17 municipalities<br />
along its entire length, cutting through cities such as<br />
Taboão <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>, <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>, Embu <strong>da</strong>s Artes<br />
and São Lourenço. It is estimated that around <strong>22</strong><br />
thousand vehicles move Régis Bittencourt <strong>da</strong>ily.<br />
Greater São Paulo and connecting all the highways to<br />
the port of Santos, which receives around 80 million<br />
goods per year.<br />
The road ring circles the central region of Greater<br />
São Paulo, crossing cities such as: Santana de Parnaíba,<br />
Barueri, Osasco, <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>, Embu <strong>da</strong>s Artes,<br />
among others.<br />
Tax Benefits<br />
<strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> is concerned with the city’s<br />
long-term development and job creation, which is why<br />
it invests in business through the Tax Incentive Law<br />
for small and medium-sized companies to generate<br />
jobs and increase municipal revenues.<br />
Investment opportunities<br />
The city is among the 100 best in the country to<br />
invest in the education sector. A survey carried out by<br />
Urban Systems took into account factors of elementary,<br />
technical, higher education, number of enrollments,<br />
variation in the number of students per school,<br />
identifying <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> as the 79th city.<br />
The same survey resulted<br />
in the municipality’s 99th<br />
position in terms of the best<br />
cities in the country for<br />
investment in a business. In<br />
addition, the organization<br />
that developed the research<br />
took into account variables<br />
such as the number of jobs<br />
in the industrial sector, the<br />
income of industrial workers,<br />
and others.<br />
The Rodoanel Governador Mário Covas was born<br />
with the principle of improving the quality of life in<br />
ITAPECERICA DA SERRA-<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />
26 CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong><br />
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ITAPECERICA DA SERRA -<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />
CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong><br />
The law allows tax exemptions such as exemption<br />
from the Tax on Services (ISS) and exemption from<br />
the Urban Property and Land Tax (IPTU).