City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22

It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.

It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.


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Do you consider <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> a friendly city for<br />

investors and entrepreneurs to do business? What can we highlight in the<br />

municipality in this regard?<br />

Yes, I do. And whenever I have the opportunity<br />

to point this out, I do it with great awareness<br />

that we have a real underexploited treasure. But,<br />

unfortunately, our region was seen as a dormitory<br />

city for a long time, which greatly affected our<br />

economy.<br />

A city without attractions, tourism, and culture<br />

is deprived of important tools for the movement of<br />

people within the city.<br />

We aim to invest in tourism and culture, expanding<br />

the range of possibilities for our local traders, showing<br />

them that is the way we can increase the earnings of<br />

those who have invested or are willing to invest in<br />

<strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>. As for the industries, we facilitate<br />

the conditions for those who intend to settle in our city.<br />

We want to bring large projects, and we will spare no<br />

effort to support the entrepreneur who wants to bring<br />

jobs and do excellent business in our region.<br />

How do you assess the impacts<br />

of the pandemic in <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>? Did<br />

the pandemic influence any specific area? If so,<br />

what actions were taken to mitigate the impact?<br />

We believe that the pandemic has brought losses<br />

to all of us. I believe that somehow, we were all<br />

harmed. I see jobs being lost, commerce falling,<br />

families suffering. To highlight an area would be to<br />

commit injustices to those who suffer to<strong>da</strong>y.<br />

At the beginning of the year, we reached the worst<br />

phase of the pandemic. Even with the most critical<br />

stages, we sought to make commerce more flexible<br />

in partnership with the Commercial Association,<br />

Chamber of Entrepreneurs, and <strong>Itapecerica</strong><br />

Shopping. Our city needed to breathe financially,<br />

and together we developed a palliative solution so<br />

that we wouldn’t be entirely out of breath.<br />

I should also emphasize the work of our<br />

administration, which quickly and efficiently<br />

rescued the Work Front (abandoned by the past<br />

administration), creating jobs for hundreds of people<br />

in the second month of our administration.<br />

We know that this is still not close to what we can<br />

do, but we managed to develop it so that our city<br />

would not remain in the chaos we found.<br />


Party: PL (Partido Liberal)<br />

Age: 57<br />

Education: Physician graduated from<br />

the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santos,<br />

Fun<strong>da</strong>ção Lusía<strong>da</strong>s, with a specialization<br />

in General and Vascular Surgery.<br />

<strong>Book</strong>: “Dear and Glorious Physician”<br />

(Taylor Caldwell)<br />

Hobby: Judô<br />

Team: <strong>SP</strong>FC (São Paulo Football Club)<br />

ITAPECERICA DA SERRA-<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />

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ITAPECERICA DA SERRA -<strong>SP</strong>/BRAZIL<br />

CITY´S BOOK <strong>2021</strong>-<strong>22</strong>

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