City's Book Itapecerica da Serra - SP 2021-22
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
It is a bilingual publication (Portuguese and English) that introduces the city of Itapecerica da Serra in São Paulo - Brazil. Summarizing the main points and reasons why to invest or to do business in the city.
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Sponsored Content<br />
Our portfolio comprises a comprehensive range of I.V.<br />
generic drugs, infusion therapies and clinical nutrition<br />
products as well as the medical devices for administering<br />
these products. Within transfusion technologies, Fresenius<br />
Kabi offers products for collection and processing of blood<br />
components and for therapeutic treatment of patient blood<br />
by apheresis systems. In the field of biosimilars, Fresenius<br />
Kabi develops products with a focus on oncology and<br />
autoimmune diseases.<br />
With our “caring for life” philosophy, we are committed to<br />
putting essential medicines and technologies in the hands of<br />
people who help patients and finding the best answers to the<br />
challenges they face.<br />
Headquarters<br />
Fresenius Kabi’s infrastructure and international presence<br />
are an important part of its main pillars. The headquarters of<br />
the Fresenius Kabi group are in Bad Homburg, Germany. Our<br />
business units operate as independent companies, coordinated<br />
Fresenius Kabi AG<br />
by the regional offices in Asia; Europe, Latin America, the<br />
Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand; and North<br />
America. Thanks to that decentralized organization, we are<br />
able to meet our customers’ needs.<br />
Marketing and Sales<br />
The engine of the company’s success is being close to our<br />
customers. Spread throughout approximately 70 marketing<br />
and sales units worldwide, our employees work <strong>da</strong>ily to<br />
improve patients’ quality of life.<br />
Production<br />
Our production is decentralized. International production<br />
units supply regional markets, while local plants meet the<br />
needs of their respective countries. Our production network<br />
encompasses approximately 65 manufacturing facilities in<br />
Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and Africa.<br />
Said production network creates a competitive advantage.<br />
In Brazil, our plants are located in <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> (<strong>SP</strong>),<br />
Aquiraz (CE), and Anápolis (GO).<br />
Fresenius Kabi Brazil<br />
Operating in Brazil for more than 40<br />
years, Fresenius Kabi develops and<br />
produces an extensive line of hospital<br />
and pharmaceutical products with<br />
the same internationally recognized<br />
competence:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Fluid<br />
<br />
Offices & Distribution Centers<br />
At our offices in Barueri (<strong>SP</strong>), the Technical Assistance, Regulatory<br />
Affairs, Quality & Surveillance, Finance, Marketing and Sales,<br />
Human Resources, Institutional Relations, Supply Chain, Legal,<br />
and Compliance teams are committed to what matters most in<br />
health: improve patients’ quality of life.<br />
Through our distribution centers located in Aquiraz (CE), Goiânia<br />
(GO), Itapevi (<strong>SP</strong>), and Barueri (<strong>SP</strong>), we strive to offer increasingly<br />
efficient and agile services, meeting each client’s specific needs.<br />
Fresenius Hemocare Brazil<br />
Fresenius Hemocare Brazil, a subsidiary of Fresenius Kabi, has<br />
become a leader in the Brazilian market in the transfusion<br />
technology and blood processing fields, continuously working<br />
to develop a complete and integrated line for collection and<br />
processing of blood components, as well as offering a wide range<br />
of products, services, and methods to maximize the quality of<br />
blood and blood components.<br />
Production Unit - <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong>/<strong>SP</strong><br />
With more than 20 years of experience, Fresenius Hemocare<br />
Brazil helped rewrite the history of transfusion in Brazil, while<br />
also substantially improving public health quality. Supported<br />
by state-of-the-art technology, constant innovation,<br />
international expertise, and, above all, a great passion for<br />
health, our unit in <strong>Itapecerica</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> produces blood bags,<br />
in vitro diagnostic kits, giving sets, and other health products<br />
with the highest quality.<br />