Горизонт N2/831

Горизонт (газета) — (Gorizont англ. Horizon ) первая и наиболее влиятельная газета, издающаяся на русском языке в штатеКолорадо, США. Еженедельник, выходит по пятницам, формат Таблоид, 128 цветных и чернобелых страниц, распространяется в городах, составляющих метрополию Денвера (Большой Денвер), и в других населенных пунктах штата Колорадо от графства Саммит до графства Эль—Пасо. Полная электронная версия газеты «Горизонт» доступна в сети Интернет. Подробнее http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorizont_(newspaper)

Горизонт (газета) — (Gorizont англ. Horizon ) первая и наиболее влиятельная газета, издающаяся на русском языке в штатеКолорадо, США. Еженедельник, выходит по пятницам, формат Таблоид, 128 цветных и чернобелых страниц, распространяется в городах, составляющих метрополию Денвера (Большой Денвер), и в других населенных пунктах штата Колорадо от графства Саммит до графства Эль—Пасо. Полная электронная версия газеты «Горизонт» доступна в сети Интернет. Подробнее http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorizont_(newspaper)


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BISKUP (Fotos)<br />

BILD: Mr President, 25 years<br />

ago, we celebrated the end of<br />

the Cold War. Now we have just<br />

had a year of more crises and<br />

wars than ever before. What<br />

went so horribly wrong in the<br />

relationship between Russia<br />

and the West?<br />

Vladimir Putin: That is the<br />

big question. We have done everything<br />

wrong.<br />

BILD: Everything?<br />

Putin: From the beginning,<br />

we failed to overcome Europe’s<br />

division. 25 years ago, the Berlin<br />

Wall fell, but invisible walls were<br />

moved to the East of Europe.<br />

This has led to mutual misunderstandings<br />

and assignments<br />

of guilt. They are the cause of all<br />

crises ever since.<br />

BILD: What do you mean?<br />

When did this development escalate?<br />

Putin: Back in 2007, many<br />

people criticized me for my talk<br />

at the Munich Security Conference.<br />

But what did I say there?<br />

I merely pointed out that the<br />

former NATO Secretary General<br />

Manfred W?rner had guaranteed<br />

that NATO would not expand<br />

eastwards after the fall of the<br />

Wall. Many German politicians<br />

had also warned about such a<br />

step, for instance Egon Bahr.<br />

(Putin has his spokesperson<br />

hand him a thin folder. It contains<br />

transcripts of talks that, among<br />

others, Bahr led in Moscow back<br />

then. “This had never been published,”<br />

Putin says.)<br />

BILD: What kind of talks<br />

were these?<br />

Putin: Over the course of the<br />

year 1990, the then Chancellor<br />

Helmut Kohl and Foreign Minister<br />

Hans-Dietrich Genscher<br />

had many conversations with<br />

President Gorbachev and other<br />

Soviet officials.<br />

(Now Putin reads out, in Russian,<br />

the transcript of an exchange<br />

with Egon Bahr. His index finger<br />

follows each line on the paper.)<br />

Putin: This, for instance, is<br />

what Egon Bahr said on June 26,<br />

1990: “If we do not now undertake<br />

clear steps to prevent a division<br />

of Europe, this will lead to<br />

Russia’s isolation.” Bahr, a wise<br />

man, had a very concrete suggestion<br />

as to how this danger<br />

could be averted: the USA, the<br />

then Soviet Union and the concerned<br />

states themselves should<br />

redefine a zone in Central Europe<br />

that would not be accessible<br />

to NATO with its military structures.<br />

Bahr even said: If Russia<br />

agreed to the NATO expansion,<br />

he would never come to Moscow<br />

again. (Putin laughs quietly.)<br />

BILD: Did he ever come<br />

back to Moscow?<br />

Putin: (still laughing) To be<br />

honest, I don’t know.<br />

BILD: But seriously: the<br />

central European states wanted<br />

to become NATO members by<br />

their own volition. They expected<br />

security for themselves<br />

from this step.<br />

Putin: I have heard this a<br />

thousand times. Of course every<br />

state has the right to organize its<br />

security the way it deems appropriate.<br />

But the states that were<br />

already in NATO, the member<br />

states, could also have followed<br />

their own interests – and abstained<br />

from an expansion to the<br />

east.<br />

BILD: Should NATO just<br />

have said no? It wouldn’t have<br />

survived that, because…<br />

(Putin asks back, suddenly in<br />

German, ignoring the interpreter):<br />

Why not?<br />

BILD: Because it is part of<br />

NATO’s rules and self-understanding<br />

to accept free countries<br />

as members if they want to<br />

and if they fulfill certain conditions.<br />

Putin: (still in German) Who<br />

has written these rules? The politicians,<br />

right?<br />

(The President then switches<br />

back to Russian.)<br />

Putin: Nowhere is it written<br />

that NATO had to accept certain<br />

countries. All that would have<br />

been required to refrain from<br />

doing so was the political will.<br />

But people didn’t want to.<br />

BILD: Why, do you think,<br />

was this the case?<br />

Putin: NATO and the USA<br />

wanted a complete victory over<br />

the Soviet Union. They wanted<br />

to sit on the throne in Europe<br />

alone. But now they are sitting<br />

there, and we are talking about<br />

all these crises we would otherwise<br />

not have. You can also see<br />

this striving for an absolute triumph<br />

in the American missile<br />

defense plans.<br />

BILD: But the USA’s missile<br />

defense shield – should it ever<br />

be installed – is merely defensive,<br />

isn’t it?<br />

Putin: In 2009, US President<br />

Obama said that the missile defense<br />

only serves as protection<br />

from Iranian nuclear missiles.<br />

But now there is an international<br />

treaty with Iran that bans Tehran<br />

N02/<strong>831</strong> от 01.15.2016 e-mail: info@gorizont.com Simply the best<br />

Vladimir Putin: The Interview<br />



Закаленный в победах доблестный отряд<br />

славных вебмастеров газеты "<strong>Горизонт</strong>"<br />

объявляет о начале грандиозного строительства...<br />

единой русской электронной общины Колорадо.<br />

by Islamist terrorism not create<br />

a new commonality between<br />

Russia and the West?<br />

Putin: Yes, we should cooperate<br />

much more closely in fighting<br />

terrorism, which is a great challenge.<br />

Even if we do not always<br />

agree on every aspect, nobody<br />

should take this as an excuse to<br />

declare us as enemies.<br />

BILD: Since you are talking<br />

about a great challenge: is<br />

Crimea, by comparison, really<br />

worth damaging Russia’s relationship<br />

with the West that<br />

severely?<br />

Putin: What do you mean by<br />

“Crimea”?<br />

Интернет сайты ВСЕХ русских<br />

BILD: The<br />

бизнесов<br />

one-sided movement<br />

of borders in a Europe<br />

и частных предпринимателей that is based, in particular, on<br />

на одном гигантском портале. respecting state borders.<br />

from developing a potential military<br />

Russian relationship today? Putin: For me, it means: hunational<br />

nuclear project. The Inter-<br />

Все бизнесы Putin: We могут had a принять very good участие man beings. в проекте<br />

Atomic Energy Agency situation in 2005. The common BILD: Human beings?<br />

is controlling this, the sanctions budget<br />


had a volume of 80<br />


billion<br />

dollars от особенностей per year. Thousands других in the видов Ukrainian рекламы. capital of Kiev<br />

Putin: The nationalists’ coup<br />

against Iran are lifted – but независимо still<br />

the US are working on their missile<br />

of jobs were created in Germany in February 2014 has hugely<br />

defense system. Only recent-<br />

by Russian investments. At the scared 2.5 million Russian people<br />

ly a treaty with Spain was Это signed, same Новогодний time, a large number подарок<br />

of living on Crimea. So what did we<br />

a deployment in Romania is being<br />

prepared, the same will hap-<br />

in Russia. There were countless have not fired, not a single per-<br />

German companies invested do? We have not gone to war, we<br />

от газеты "<strong>Горизонт</strong>"<br />

pen in Poland in 2018, and in<br />

Для<br />

cultural<br />

этого<br />

and social<br />

надо<br />

contacts.<br />

занести<br />

And<br />

информацию<br />

son was killed. Our soldiers have<br />

Turkey, a radar unit is being installed.<br />

What is the point of this?<br />

today? The trade volume is half merely prevented the Ukrainian<br />

о своем<br />

as much,<br />

бизнесе<br />

only about<br />


40 billion<br />

ГОДА<br />

troops<br />

по<br />

on<br />

адресу<br />

Crimea from impeding<br />

the freedom of expression of<br />

BILD: You have now explained,<br />

in detail, the mistakes www.gorizont.com/letmein<br />

BILD: Would the Munich the people. In the referendum –<br />

Euros.<br />

that, from Russia’s perspective, Security Conference be a good which was still decided to take<br />

the West has made. Has Russia opportunity to improve the place by the Crimea’s old parliament<br />

– the majority of citizens<br />

itself not made any mistakes? Все вопросы mood? по тел. 720-436-7613<br />

Putin: Yes, we have made Putin: I will not come to Munich.<br />

voted for belonging to Russia.<br />

mistakes! We were too late. If<br />

This is democracy, the people’s<br />

we had presented our national BILD: What do you think will.<br />

interests more clearly from the about the theory that there are BILD: But one cannot simply<br />

beginning, the world would still two Vladimir Putins? One, until<br />

challenge European state<br />

be in balance today. After the<br />

2007, the friend of the West, borders.<br />

demise of the Soviet Union, we close friends with Chancellor Putin: For me, it is not borders<br />

had many problems of our own Schr?der. And the other one after<br />

and state territories that<br />

for which no one was responsible<br />

that: the cold warrior. matter, but people’s fortunes.<br />

but ourselves: the economic Putin: I have never changed. BILD: What about international<br />

downfall, the collapse of the welfare<br />

I feel as young as I always did<br />

law?<br />

system, the separatism, and and remain close friends with Putin: Of course one always<br />

of course the terror attacks that Gerhard Schr?der. But things has to follow international law.<br />

shook our country. In this respect,<br />

are different in the international This was also the case in Crimea.<br />

we do not have to look for relations between states. In this According to the Charter of the<br />

guilty parties abroad.<br />

respect, I am neither a friend, United Nations, every people has<br />

BILD: In your last interview nor bride or groom. I am the the right to self-determination.<br />

with BILD, ten years ago, you president of 146 million Russians.<br />

Just take Kosovo: back then,<br />

said that Germany and Russia<br />

I have to represent their UN bodies decided that Kosovo<br />

had never been as close as in interests. We are willing to settle should become independent of<br />

2005. What is left today of this this without any conflicts and to Serbia and that the interests of<br />

special relationship?<br />

search for compromises on the Serbia’s central government had<br />

Putin: The mutual sympathy basis of international law. to be subordinated. You can read<br />

of our peoples is and will remain Vergr??ern<br />

that in all the records, also in the<br />

the foundation of our relations. BILD: In the year 2000, you German ones.<br />

BILD: And nothing has said that the most important BILD: But prior to that,<br />

changed?<br />

lesson from the Cold War is the Serbian central government<br />

(Before speaking the next that there should never be any<br />

had waged war against<br />

sentence, the President starts to confrontation in Europe again. the Kosovo Albanians and had<br />

sneer.)<br />

Today this confrontation is driven thousands of them away.<br />

Putin: Even with the help back. When will we get the first That’s a difference.<br />

of anti-Russian propaganda in Putin back, the friend of the Putin: The fact is that there<br />

the mass media, Germany has West?<br />

was a long war in which Serbia<br />

not succeeded in damaging this Putin: Once again, I’m still and its capital Belgrade were<br />

sympathy…<br />

the same. Take the fight against bombarded and attacked with<br />

BILD: Do you mean BILD? terrorism: after the attacks of missiles. It was a military intervention<br />

Putin: I do not mean you personally.<br />

September 11, I was the first to<br />

of the West and NATO<br />

But of course Germany’s side with US President Bush. against the then rump Yugo-<br />

media are heavily influenced by And now, after the attacks in slavia. Now I’m asking you: if<br />

the country on the other side of Paris, I have done the same with the Kosovars have the right to<br />

the Atlantic Ocean.<br />

the President of France, Hollande.<br />

self-determination, why should<br />

BILD: That’s news to us. So<br />

Terrorism threatens us all. people on Crimea not have it?<br />

what is the state of the German- BILD: Does the threat posed I would say: everyone should

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