İstanbul Sanat Dergisi / Sayı 9

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Escapes: Many things are happening here. I wanted to escape

reality and take everyone with me to “a dream world”

where any dream can come true. I left the city in the background

to express our true reality and the reflections of

water to show different emotions of serenity and self-reflection.

The emotions in this collection are very strong and

daring. Bravery and self-perception are an element in this


A Vision: Takes us a leap to the future. Everyone needs

to feel a sense of belonging and needs to feel at home. I focused

on landscapes in Dubai, because Dubai has a special

place in my heart. I believe in Dubai’s vision of the future

and am impressed by its ambitious leader. It’s constant evolution

is a source of my inspiration. The beauty and liveliness

of the city captivated my heart.



You have been to a lot of cities throughout your life.

Which cities did you like the most in ways of art

and life in the city?

Although Dubai gave me love, life and hope and I keep on

admiring its beauty every day, İstanbul is my second home.

I love İstanbul and have been going there for as long as I can

remember and have watched the way it evolved. From the

historical sights, to the night lights I am inspired by Istanbul’s

energy. İstanbul has everlasting richness, beauty and

culture that you would never find anywhere else.

Reflections: An invitation to explore the humanity in us.

This collection consists of portraits of persons with strong

different emotions. Whether it is hope, gratitude, loneliness,

confusion, lust or anger, these persons reflect our


Private Collection: A series of unique individual pieces

that represent a milestone in my art journey and that I

would like to hold on forever.

In the past few months, you have joined the art fair in

Bodrum. In a few days, you are going to join IAAF in

İstanbul. What do you think about these expositions?

I am enjoying these expositions and fairs, because they

made me feel connected with the art community and I was

able to share my passion and emotions with many different

kinds of people from all over the world. It is a fantastic experience

and it has left me feeling very fulfilled.

You have been in Turkey for a while now.

What do you think about Turkey and İstanbul?

I become speechless when it comes to Turkey. It is an amazing

empire by itself. Its beauty and its history are breath

taking. I love and enjoy being there and enrich my horizons

and get inspired.

İstanbul Sanat | Ekim / Kasım / Aralık 2022 / 09

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