ISSUE 392 =12-03-2021

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NASA rover captures

Martian sounds for 1st time

Washington : The Mars rover from

NASA has sent first-ever audio readings like

the mesmerising sound of Martian wind,

captured from its SuperCam instrument,

back home.

The instrument delivered audio data to the

French Space Agency's operations center in

Toulouse that includes the first audio of laser

zaps on another planet.

"It is amazing to see SuperCam working

so well on Mars. When we first dreamed up

this instrument eight years ago, we worried

that we were being way too ambitious. Now,

it is up there working like a charm," Roger

Wiens, principal investigator for

Perseverance's SuperCam instrument, said in

a statement on Wednesday.

Obtained only about 18 hours after landing,

when the mast remained stowed on the

rover deck, the first file captures the faint

sounds of Martian wind.

The wind is more audible, especially

around the 20-second mark, in the second

sound file, recorded on the rover's fourth

Martian day, or sol.

SuperCam's third file, from Sol 12,

includes the zapping sounds of the laser

impacting a rock target 30 times at a distance

of about 10 feet.

Some zaps sound slightly louder than others,

providing information on the physical

structure of the targets, such as its relative


This is also the first time an instrument

has used Raman spectroscopy anywhere

other than on the Earth.

"Raman spectroscopy is going to play a

crucial role in characterising minerals to gain

deeper insight into the geological conditions

under which they formed and to detect

potential organic and mineral molecules that

might have been formed by living organisms,"

said Olivier Beyssac, research director

at the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales

(CNES) in Paris.

SuperCam was developed jointly by the

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in

New Mexico and a consortium of French

research laboratories under the auspices of

the CNES. "SuperCam truly gives our rover

eyes to see promising rock samples and ears

to hear what it sounds like when the lasers

strike them. This information will be essential

when determining which samples to

cache and ultimately return to Earth through

our groundbreaking Mars Sample Return

Campaign," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate

administrator for science at NASA headquarters

in Washington.

A key objective for Perseverance's mission

on Mars is astrobiology, including the

search for signs of ancient microbial life.

The rover will characterise the planet's

geology and past climate, pave the way for

human exploration of the Red Planet, and be

the first mission to collect and cache Martian

rock and regolith (broken rock and dust).

'Around 40% urban

Indians want bridging

of gender pay gap'

New Delhi : Around 40 per

cent of urban Indians want the

bridging of gender pay gap,

according to a survey by Ipsos,

in collaboration with the Global

Institute for Women's

Leadership at King's College


Further, six in 10 (60 per

cent) urban Indians believe that

there needs to be a transparency

in compensation of the workforce

at the same level, an Ipsos

statement said. "Gender pay gap

is more pronounced in the unorganized

sector, in India. Most

organisations in the corporate

world are striving for a gender

neutral ecosystem, which compensates

on merit, education and

calibre, and not by one gender

over another," said Amit

Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos India.

He added that India has

shown a lot of progress in providing

fairness in compensation

and hiring as it is governed by

set norms.

On Day 50, Biden gets $1.2T relief

package amid signs of recovery

New York, March 11 (IANS) On the

50th day US President Joe Biden has

been in office, Congress gave him two

victories: the $1.9 trillion Covid-19

relief package that was fought for and

the confirmation of a key member of his

cabinet, Attorney General Merrick

Garland. Biden is also buoyed by signs

of a recovery after more than a year of

the deadly ravage of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The biggest financial aid package

since the Great Depression of the

1930s, the bill passed by the House of

Representatives against total

Republican opposition on Wednesday

seeks to pull the nation from the depths

of the coronavirus pandemic by infusing

money into the economy at large and

into the pockets of individuals.

Calling the bill a "consequential and

transformative legislation", Speaker

Nancy Pelosi said, "This is a momentous

day in the history of our country."

Twenty Republicans joined the

Democrats in the Senate to confirm

Garland as the nation's top law enforcement

official. Despite the title of attorney

general, the position is more similar

to that of the home minister as the official

will control agencies like the

Federal Bureau of Investigation and

Drug Enforcement Agency and the

enforcement of laws.

The Senate also confirmed Michael

Regan to a cabinet post as the administrator

of the Environment Protection

Agency. He is the first African

American to head the agency.

The nation sees signs for optimism

with 370,000 jobs coming back last

month, the stock markets hitting record

highs, nearly 19 per cent of the population

receiving at least one dose of the

COVID-19 vaccine and students returning

to schools.

The seven-day new COVID-19

infection rate has also come down from

254,000 two months ago to 65,000.

The RealClear Politics average of

polls has Biden with 53.7 per cent job

approval. The immediate visible impact

of the American Rescue Plan, as the aid

package is called, will be direct payments

of $1,400 to about 85 per cent of

the people. It will also lower some

health insurance premiums, extend

unemployment payments, give housing

and utility assistance and provide monetary

help to many families with children.

The Plan will provide small businesses,

restaurants and entertainment

venues with loans and grants, help

schools, bailout states and cities, assist

public transportation and fund infrastructure

projects. "This legislation is

about giving the backbone of this nation

-- the essential workers, the working

people who built this country, the people

who keep this country going -- a

fighting chance," said Biden, who will

sign it into law on Friday. He asserted

that the package would "cut child poverty

in half". Vice President Kamala

Harris said, "It is a very important day

for the children of America, the families

of America and small businesses."

Republicans put a united front

against it both in the Senate last week

and in the House on Wednesday asserting

that it was too big and covered matters

unrelated to the pandemic.

"It's a laundry list of left-wing priorities

that predate the pandemic and do

not meet the needs of American families,"

asserted Kevin McCarthy, the

Republican Party leader in the House.

One of the Republican objections

was over sending the $1,400 relief payments

to convicted criminals in prison.

The only victory for the Republicans

was the removal of a provision for a

national minimum wage of $15 per

hour, which they claimed would lead to

higher unemployment as businesses

would reduce their workforce.

The Senate parliamentarian -- the

legal expert advising the body -- ruled

that the wage portion could not be

included in the bill if it was to be considered

a part of the budget process

requiring only a simple majority to pass.

Other types of legislation require 60

votes in the 100-member Senate where

the two parties have an equal number of

members and the vice president has the

casting vote.

This is the third COVID-19 relief

package. The first passed in March last

year was claimed to be worth $2.2 trillion

but ended up being only $1.78 trillion.

Another relief package of $900 billion

was passed in December. The

Democrats had proposed a payment of

$1,200 to the people, but Republicans

opposed it and settled for $600.

Then-President Donald Trump, however,

said in a populist outburst that it

should be raised to $2,000 and the

$1,400 payment in the third relief package

is to reach the amount he had proposed.

The confirmation was a comeback of

sorts for Garland, who had been nominated

for a Supreme Court judgeship by

former President Barack Obama. But

Republicans in the Senate had blocked

it from being taken up for consideration.

The continuing investigations into

Biden's son Hunter's tax issues will now

come under him and he has said that he

will not interfere with it.

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