28.10.2013 Aufrufe

innen und Eröffnung der Eschborner Fachtage 2000 - Gtz

innen und Eröffnung der Eschborner Fachtage 2000 - Gtz

innen und Eröffnung der Eschborner Fachtage 2000 - Gtz


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<strong>Eschborner</strong> <strong>Fachtage</strong> <strong>2000</strong> - Themenschwerpunkt 1: Mitgestaltung internationaler Rahmenbedingungen<br />

Result 3: A process of organisational development for joint implementation of the Conventions<br />

is supported<br />

Result 4: National structures are enabled to implement the Conventions and to apply the<br />

instruments in existing and future projects and programs.<br />

This project has been prepared stepwise and formulated with broad participation of the civil<br />

society. It will have a catalyst function. The estimated duration is four years, and it is hoped<br />

that the project will start in October <strong>2000</strong>.<br />

2.2.8 Transferability<br />

The project, which is focused on all Rio Conventions and their predecessors, as well as on<br />

other environment-relevant regulations, is one of the first projects of this type in German development<br />

co-operation. Its aim is very broad. The approach seems to be transferable in<br />

general but not in detail, because the socio-cultural characteristics of Mauritania call for very<br />

specific approaches to implementing particular elements.<br />

In comparison with other countries, the situation in Mauritania is relatively easy to grasp and<br />

individual contacts can easily be cultivated. Advisory services in the context of the Conventions<br />

may therefore have an impact in a relatively short time. In addition, German development<br />

co-operation is the first donor interested in supporting policy development in the “green<br />

sector”. Germany is not aiming at taking a lead-function, but the absence of donor competition<br />

in this sector facilitates increasing transparency in developing and implementing a coherent<br />

approach.<br />

2.3 Financing Strategies for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)<br />

Dr. Christian Mersmann, GTZ-Arbeitsfeld: Politik <strong>und</strong> Regionalentwicklung<br />

The implementation of the international forest regime was one of the primary objectives of<br />

the IPF/IFF process. The international community had agreed at UNCED that the new paradigm<br />

of sustainable development would include a holistic and comprehensive approach to<br />

forestry development. Consequently, a transformation of current practices towards sustainable<br />

forest management is needed to position the forestry sector in a changing context at<br />

country level. This transformation also requires a fresh look at the question of financing in the<br />

sector.<br />

The political obligation of the international community to achieve the aim of SFM has led to<br />

discussions in the IPF/IFF on the valuation of forest goods and services beyond timber and<br />

other primary products. In particular, environmental services on both international and national<br />

levels are currently subject to intense negotiations in the FCCC and the CBD. What is<br />

termed ”global commons,” such as biodiversity and climate, as well as national demands for<br />

forest goods and services, such as water and recreation/tourism, will increasingly determine<br />

major changes in pricing and subsidies through the internalisation of such forest externalities<br />

as the aforementioned goods and services. Since market-based instruments often fail to<br />


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