22.11.2013 Aufrufe

2002 - 2003 - Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik

2002 - 2003 - Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik

2002 - 2003 - Fachgebiet Hochspannungstechnik


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3.2 Berichte<br />

Dipl.-Ing. B. Dolata<br />

Tests on ester fluid and mineral oil under impulse- and AC voltage stress<br />

Homogeneous field<br />

To investigate the behaviour of both fluids in<br />

homogeneous electrical fields at gap spacings<br />

larger than 2,5 mm some breakdown tests have<br />

been performed with a sphere - sphere electrode<br />

configuration. Two sphere shaped electrodes of 100<br />

mm diameter have been positioned above each<br />

other in a sealed vessel, where one of the spheres<br />

was grounded and not adjustable positioned at the<br />

bottom and the other sphere, to which high voltage<br />

was applied, could be fixed in a distance between 0<br />

mm and 80 mm. Figure 1 shows a photograph of<br />

the test vessel. According to the aim to keep the<br />

fluids dry the vessel could not be opened during the<br />

whole test, thus there was the demand to make the<br />

surface of the electrodes very resistant against<br />

abrasion by arcing. As a result of this, on both<br />

spheres a segment of 60 mm diameter was replaced<br />

by an alloy of tungsten (80 %) and copper (20 %).<br />

In the arrangement of the spheres the alloy parts<br />

were positioned on both sides of the gap between<br />

the electrodes to force the arc of the breakdown to<br />

Figure 1<br />

Test vessel used for the breakdown<br />

experiments at homogeneous<br />

electrical field<br />

occur between the mechanically strong<br />

sections of the electrodes. A schematic view<br />

of the electrodes is depicted in Figure 2.<br />

Due to the avoidance of vessel opening the<br />

water content of the examined mineral oil<br />

only raised during the whole time of the<br />

tests from 8,1 ppm to 12,6 ppm while the<br />

water content of the ester liquid has been<br />

32 ppm at the end of the investigations.<br />

Impulse voltage tests<br />

Figure 2 Schematic view of the electrodes<br />

After the vessel was filled by evacuating the<br />

air out and sucking dried liquid in, the<br />

arrangement was exposed to impulse and<br />

AC voltages. To reduce the influence of<br />

energy to the fluid, the impulse voltage tests<br />

have been performed in advance to the<br />

breakdown tests with rising 50 Hz AC<br />

voltage at a rise speed of 2 kV per second.

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