08.11.2021 Aufrufe

Trendguide Tegernseer Tal & Tölzer Land No. 8

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Dear Readers,<br />

to see the Corona pandemic not only as a major<br />

burden, but also as an opportunity for a general<br />

rethink? It may sound a bit far-fetched, but at<br />

second glance it's not so wrong.<br />

Less plastic, away from the to-go mentality, fewer<br />

throwaway items. We want different products<br />

now: ecologically high-quality houses and home<br />

furnishings, healthy food from the local area, no<br />

more cheap meat from factory farming. We also<br />

set other priorities when it comes to fashion: we<br />

prefer fewer items, but from responsible fashion<br />

manufacturers who remember traditional<br />

production methods and have respect for those<br />

who make our fashion. Who also rely on recycling<br />

materials for some pieces. Reusing something and<br />

making something new out of it – today called<br />

upcycling or highcycling – used to be the most<br />

normal thing in the world. It was only when cheap<br />

goods flooded us that it was suddenly considered<br />

uncool.<br />

This time, we are once again introducing you<br />

to companies that share these values. From<br />

wooden houses that meet the highest ecological<br />

standards to fireplace builders and furnishing and<br />

fashion companies that value quality, responsible<br />

manufacturing conditions and pollutant-free<br />

materials.<br />

Look forward to our restaurant tips featuring<br />

establishments that work primarily with fresh<br />

local produce. And enjoy our stories, tips and<br />

suggestions while browsing on long winter days.<br />

Yours truly,<br />

Ursula Seeböck-Forster<br />

Co-Editor, Editor-in-Chief<br />


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