ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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So if you move in terms of space, then couldn't you in effect say, 'Well, I want to<br />

accelerate my growth process my moving somewhere that highlights this challenge in my<br />

nature instead of waiting for it in terms of progressions?'"]<br />

It's very typical that people will move to a place which brings one of their major<br />

challenge areas in their nature into high focus so that they're really forced to confront it<br />

and deal with it. Yes. I find that happening more often than the other way around<br />

(moving to a place where things get easier). But I feel that in itself is part of their basic<br />

nature that they decide that they are ready to deal with a certain challenge in their life.<br />

They will unconsciously and instinctively be led to the place or relationship where this<br />

will happen.<br />

Let me give you an example. This is a woman I did in New York City some<br />

years ago, and she told me that she had been a business woman all her life. She was in<br />

her middle thirties and she never wanted to marry. And she decided that she was now<br />

ready to get married. She looked logically at the situation in NYC and said the odds<br />

aren't very good here. Where can I go in the country where there would be more men<br />

and more of a chance of meeting somebody and getting married? Actually she picked out<br />

Seattle, Washington as a reasonably good bet, made her plans, and came to me NOT to<br />

ask whether she should go there, but just to get her local chart done to see what it looked<br />

like. So she made her decision already.<br />

Well, the local house cusps in Seattle were incredible for showing that she would<br />

probably meet somebody and get married there. She knew what she wanted, was clear<br />

about it, and she unconsciously was led to pick the place that would permit her to get<br />

what she wanted. I never heard back from her, but I am assuming from her chart that she<br />

probably did go and get married. Whether or not she would be happy in the marriage-that's<br />

another matter! You know, after being single that long, adjusting to marriage is not<br />

all that easy. And it may or may not be all that she hoped for from it!<br />

Another interesting one was a woman I did in Denver. She was ready to retire<br />

and was thinking of moving to California, debating between Los Angeles and the San<br />

Francisco/Oakland area. Well, the Los Angeles area is only 4 degrees different on the<br />

Midheaven than San Francisco, but it happened to put her Neptune/Uranus opposition<br />

exactly on the Ascendant-Descendant axis here in L.A., and 4 degrees off in the San<br />

Francisco area. I said that's a pretty intense thing to put angular. I would feel that you'd<br />

be able to handle the San Francisco area a little more easily. In L.A. it would bring your<br />

natural sensitivity into awfully high focus. If you really wanted to develop psychic<br />

ability, OK, that's the place to go do it. But it shows the potential for some kind of<br />

emotional nervous strain and tension.<br />

Then she told what was going on. It seems that she had cared for an elderly<br />

mother for a major part of her life. She had quite a few brothers and sisters who lived in<br />

the L.A. area, and finally one of them had taken the mother and decided that they couldn't<br />

handle her and put her in a rest home. The whole family was now pressuring this woman<br />

to come out and take care of the mother again. She said that the mother really does<br />

belong in a rest home, that she was pretty incapacitated. She said: Yet I feel uneasy about<br />

it. I feel maybe I'm guilty if I don't devote my retirement years to my mother's care. But<br />

here are all of my brothers and sisters who have done hardly anything all these<br />


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