ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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[Question: "What do you think illness is basically from?"]<br />

I definitely think illness is basically repression.<br />

[Question: "And not displacement?"]<br />

No. With displacement you are still doing it. You may be frustrated and satisfied<br />

with the way it is happening, but you are doing it consciously to some degree. But when<br />

it's really blocked or denied, then I think it goes into illness....And the more something<br />

goes into projection, the less likely it will go into repression and illness. Life is always<br />

producing consequences to make you aware so that you can do it in a more constructive<br />

way. So you get it thrown back at you from the world (projection) or your own body<br />

kicks up with some kind of pain (repression) that makes you face the fact that you're not<br />

dealing effectively with a part of yourself.<br />

Let's take an example that I often use in my lecture on psychosomatics. A woman<br />

came to me who was becoming crippled by arthritis. Now arthritis is one of the<br />

crystallizing illnesses in which there are many (gout, stones in the body, etc.). These<br />

symptoms are associated with Saturn. Her doctors told her there was nothing she<br />

could do but just take aspirin. So I looked at her Saturn in her 7 th house, and I asked her,<br />

"Well, how are things getting along with your husband?" As it turned out, she was very<br />

frustrated by her husband. So I asked, "Do you want to leave him?" She said no. So I<br />

said, do you think you can accept what he is doing and not be bothered by it, not let<br />

it disturb you--because it's not what he's doing that's causing your arthritis, but your<br />

REACTION to what he's doing (this deep-rooted frustration and resentment which she<br />

was feeling but couldn't fully acknowledge).<br />

And she said, "Well, I'm going to try that." She came back two years later with<br />

no arthritis. It had completely cleared. Now, her husband had been demoted at work<br />

because he couldn't handle other people, so they put him in a job where he didn't deal<br />

with the public. So he tried to restore his ego by taking over more of the house activities.<br />

He was cleaning house, cooking food, washing dishes. And instead of her being<br />

pleased about this, she was frustrated because this was her province--she was the<br />

homemaker, and she didn't want him interfering with her ego-satisfying house activities.<br />

So I suggested why didn't she go out and get a job, and get her ego-satisfaction through<br />

work in the world. Let him do anything he wanted to do in the house and praise him<br />

for it, tell him how great he was and thereby build up his ego which had been very badly<br />

damaged. So that's what she did, and the arthritis went away. She got something that<br />

gave her a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, and she stopped being bugged by<br />

what he was doing in the house.<br />

Now, if she had been fully aware of her frustration, I don't think it would've come<br />

out as illness. I think it was because a large component of it she wanted the marriage to<br />

last that she didn't want anything to threaten it. She had a tremendous amount of<br />

emotional security invested in that husband. She couldn't give it up. At the same time,<br />

she had lost her own sense of power by her losing control over the home. So she<br />

had to establish a new source of power through a job in the world, and then she wasn't<br />

threatened anymore by what her husband was doing in the home.<br />

[Question: "What role does diet have in illness?"]<br />


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