ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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the other partner can't stand the little monsters, then there are going to be serious<br />

problems. If one person worships money in the bank, and the other person feels that<br />

money is to spend as soon as you get your hands on it, then there are going to be serious<br />

problems. If one person is a militant atheist, and the other person is a devout<br />

fundamental Christian, then there are going to be serious problems.<br />

I remember one pair of charts. The couple did eventually break up despite the<br />

fact that their charts had beautiful traditional aspects together. But one person was<br />

heavily air and the other person was heavily water. The air person wanted lots of people<br />

around to talk to--social activities and friends. The other person wanted to be alone<br />

and have a nice exclusive little nest relationship with lots of privacy. Even though they<br />

cared for each other, the relationship couldn't survive. So, in the end, you've still got to<br />

know that person as an individual to know whether they're going to easily relate to<br />

another person or have problems. A truly mature couple can compromise and work out<br />

differences. Immature person are not going to be able to form any kind of lasting<br />

relationship because they're frustrated and unhappy with themselves, so how can they<br />

successfully relate to anyone else? If they expect someone to come along and make them<br />

happy, it won't work. No one can give anyone else happiness. Happiness is an inside<br />

job.<br />

The house technique was significant in Freud's and Jung's charts. Jung was very<br />

attracted to Freud's methods originally, being a kind of father figure to him. And Freud<br />

was attracted to Jung because he was going to be his son who would carry out his work.<br />

The relationship eventually broke up because of Freud's insistence on everything being<br />

sexual, Jung's involvement with spiritual and occult things, life after death, and so on,<br />

bugged Freud, who was fascinated by it but couldn't handle it. A mass of Jung's planets<br />

fell in Freud's 9th house. They had all kinds of conjunctions between their charts. Very<br />

strong attraction.<br />

When you read about Freud's personal history, you can understand the reasons<br />

why he had hang-ups about sex. He was a celibate a great deal of his life, not because of<br />

personal choice because he had Scorpio rising and a lot of Taurus in his chart. But he<br />

was raised in Victorian traditions where one did not play around outside of marriage, and<br />

a man has to have a good earning capacity before he gets married. He had a long<br />

engagement and they started having kids as soon as they got married. But his wife's<br />

health was very threatened, so he had to become celibate to save his wife's health. No<br />

wonder he made sex into God! He didn't have it and he wanted it. So we so personalize<br />

our own view of life out of our own experience. We see the world at large in terms of<br />

our own projections drawn from our own nature and desires.<br />


Did I tell you about the experiment I did with six composite charts? I like to test<br />

everything, and if astrology really works when you deal with principles or themes, then<br />

we should be able to do it with blind analysis. I don't think we can ever guess or predict<br />

details, but I think we should be able to do something with blind analysis if the<br />

procedure is valid. So when composites became the rage I picked out six composite<br />

charts and put them on a sheet.<br />


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