ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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was not happy was that she was in pain, because you can die without pain—including<br />

with cancer. I had a neighbor whose mother died of cancer, and she didn’t even know she<br />

had it until less than two months before she died. She never had any pain. She was just<br />

ready to go and she went. And that was one of the ways she could go and the doctors<br />

couldn’t stop it! You are in pain when you are angry and it’s turned against yourself and<br />

that’s when you get the pain. So this woman died without pain had cancer and died very<br />

quickly within two months. My sister-in-law went the same way. She didn’t find out she<br />

was sick till the weekend of Christmas, and she was dead in early February. She was<br />

ready to move, ready to go on.”<br />

[Bill: “So therefore are you saying that she unconsciously used cancer as a way to<br />

get out, and it has nothing to do with frustrations?”]<br />

Zip: “Well, there has to be some degree of frustration if you want to leave this<br />

world and go to another one. It’s a question of how much. And the illnesses that the<br />

doctors yet can’t cure, if the person is really ready to go, that’s the way the subconscious<br />

manages it—to pick an illness that the doctors can’t stop.<br />

Mars on the East point in that spiritualist minister’s chart is a very strong Mars<br />

statement. It’s like having Mars on the Ascendant: “I should be able to do what I want.”<br />

And when you get old—she was in her Eighties—your body doesn’t do exactly what you<br />

want anymore, and that’s frustrating. It could be just as simple as that: the body wearing<br />

out [and feeling frustrated over it]. And a lot of times people live in the head and do<br />

psychic stuff haven’t kept their physical body in shape. They haven’t exercised. They<br />

haven’t eaten well. They’re couch potatoes living in the head, and the body eventually<br />

isn’t in good shape anymore.”<br />

[Bill: “That was my error of thinking, assuming that there had to be some<br />

profound psychological disturbance. It can just be a simple ‘I’m getting old and I can’t<br />

walk around anymore.’”]<br />

Zip: “Yeah, I can’t do like I enjoy, like I used to.”<br />

[Later a discussion on victims:] “Nothing can happen to you that isn’t in accord<br />

with your character. One of the dead giveaways is when you hear somebody described a<br />

‘so good’ or ‘so nice’ or ‘so loving,’ that shows that all the negative potential of life is<br />

not being expressed, and then somebody comes along and uses that in extreme form<br />

against him. So people who get attacked, raped, victimized because they are denying their<br />

own aggressive, assertive potential to fight for their own rights, to protect themselves.<br />

And the world takes that power and uses it against them. The question is you either<br />

believe in chance or you believe that character produces destiny—unless you believe that<br />

some god somewhere is arbitrarily torturing some people and bless others. So in some<br />

way the victim’s own personal power had to be blocked and denied and someone else<br />

came and used excessive power against him. The giveaway to such extremes is when<br />

they’re described as such a nice person, and everyone liked him, he was so nice to<br />

everybody and so generous and so kind. That’s a sacrificial victim that’s going to get<br />

clobbered by life! You have to also show the ability to protect yourself. [Zip discusses<br />

recent news about two wives battered and killed by angry husbands when the wives left<br />

them] One was described as “She was so sweet. She was so loving. She was so<br />

wonderful. She was so great with the kids.” So everything nice! Anytime you see<br />

extremes, it is apt to get painful. A good metaphor is that it’s like a thermostat: If it gets<br />

too hot, you die; if it gets too cold, you die. In the middle is the life-giving range. So if<br />


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