ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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The natal chart is always primary. All the location can do is bring one or another<br />

facet of ourselves up into high focus, high emphasis. But it's not going to revolutionize<br />

the basic character. You are still yourself, and you're going to have to deal with your<br />

basic character.<br />

[Question: "Have you ever seen a revolutionary change?"]<br />

I've seen changes, definitely, but over time. Real changes take time; they're slow<br />

and cumulative. It takes time and effort to change habits. When you see a person make a<br />

radical switch, usually that means they haven't integrated: they are just splitting from one<br />

end of the polarity to the other. For instance, out of freedom into closeness, or<br />

out of closeness into freedom. But they haven't resolved the Freedom/Closeness<br />

Dilemma yet. The one exception to that may be if the person has a true religious<br />

experience. This may really change the whole life. A person really has an experience<br />

with a higher power and gain a faith in life that wasn't there before.<br />


The big bad wolf of astrology! Saturn represents Law. That includes natural law<br />

like gravity. It includes cultural regulations like stopping at red lights and going through<br />

green ones. It includes authority figures who carry out the law such as bosses,<br />

policemen, parents. And it includes your own conscience or internalized law where<br />

you say, "I must do that; I must not do this." If you break internalized law, then you<br />

punish yourself with guilt.<br />

So all of these are the rules of the game. And if you know the rules and play by<br />

the rules, there is no problem. So you can have a prominent Saturn line and still be<br />

highly successful. You are clear about what you can do, can't do, and have to do--and<br />

you are doing it. But if you're fighting the rules or limits, and you think your will is<br />

bigger than the Law, then you are going to be in trouble. So if you think you can ignore<br />

gravity and jump off a twenty story building--well, nice knowing you!<br />

So there are laws in the universe, and if we internalize the laws properly, if we<br />

accept the laws and live with them voluntarily, then there is absolutely no problem with<br />

Saturn at any time. All it does is bring consequences that let us know how we are<br />

handling the Law. If we handle it properly, we get good consequences. Another way of<br />

thinking about it is report card time. It lets you know how you are doing. If you break<br />

the law, then it gets painful for you, and the world lets you know that you're on the wrong<br />

track. You've got to change.<br />

Of course, frequently we may not know exactly what the law is. It's not quite as<br />

clear as time and gravity and red lights. There are fuzzy areas where we really aren't sure<br />

whether we can do something or not until we try it. So we have to risk and test the law.<br />

We do sometimes have to test reality and find out what the limits are, but not try to do<br />

it in such a massive or extreme way that we end up devastated. Enough and not too much<br />

is the theme.<br />



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