ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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[Question: "I am curious about the kind of people you attract. Do you attract<br />

primarily those who are in a life crisis, or do you mostly attract those who are simply<br />

curious?"]<br />

Most clients come because they do have a problem and are trying to understand<br />

their life. Fairly frequently I get people who are for the first time ready to face themselves<br />

in their own role in their problems. Rarely do I get anybody who just wants fortune<br />

telling. If I find that out when they call, I do not see them. So most people come to<br />

me who are willing to accept their part of the problem, and that they can do something<br />

themselves if they really understand it better. And of course I focus heavily on that:<br />

"You can do something!" That includes helping them to have faith in themselves.<br />


Contact is the reality issue--concreteness--helping them deal with what is here &<br />

now in their lives. It is not encouraging fantasy, fairyland trips; for example, that Jupiter<br />

is coming and it's going to wave a magic wand and make everything better, and they don't<br />

have to do anything. Instead, you encourage them to look at what they are doing, and to<br />

look at what is within their present range of possible actions. Can they change their<br />

actions? If they cannot change their actions or circumstances, then they have to change<br />

their attitudes. We have to change our negative beliefs. That is up to us, or else we go on<br />

being miserable! That's also a choice.<br />


In our culture this is often the famous Freedom/Closeness Dilemma. The<br />

majority of people who come to me are struggling with relationships. There are some<br />

who are still trying to find a job to be fulfilled through, and some who are dealing with<br />

health problems. But the vast majority are those who are hung up in relationships.<br />

And the keynote in astrology here, of course, is to a large extent the air principle<br />

which is able to see other people as they are, and then accept them as they are, and not<br />

have to change them (not tell them that they ought to be different!). That is easy to do<br />

with friends and neighbors, or relatively easy. Relatively easy, that is, compared to<br />

the person you live with in your own house. So Gemini and Aquarius are easier there<br />

than Libra and the other relationship areas in astrology (Cancer, Leo, Scorpio). It is a<br />

tremendous gift to give someone to say " I accept you as you are," but it's not so easy to<br />

do when you're living with them! Trying to live together as equals is something<br />

relatively new that we are trying to do in our Western culture. It is a challenge<br />

considering the history of inequality and dominance of the past. It's a real challenge.<br />


The defense mechanisms I use most are repression, projection, and displacement.<br />

projection is when a part of you is not being expressed comfortably yourself, so you<br />

attract someone else who tends to overdo it. Now it is possible for you also to just<br />

imagine it in other people, but usually we really find someone who will do it, and in<br />


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