ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns

ZIP DOBYNS (Astrology) - Film Score Rundowns


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we have a chance to see them looking at a mirror and say, "Oh, I recognize that in them,<br />

and maybe that's going on in me too."<br />

I went through a period when I was attracted to extremely Aries, macho type<br />

people when I was blocking my own Aries, blocking my own Mars. We had one of our<br />

Intensives here where we had two women present who both had Sun in Aries. One of<br />

them was quite young who had a Bachelor's degree--not extremely educated, but she was<br />

a very bright woman. The other woman with a PhD in psychology who ran a facility for<br />

schizophrenic people was highly educated, a trained Jungian analyst, who was in her<br />

sixties. Supposedly by this time you should be mature, reaching wisdom. Well, the older<br />

woman was absolutely bugged by the fact that the younger woman could do her Aries<br />

thing: be loud, brass, impulsive and spontaneous.. She was just an intensely fun person<br />

who was always shooting her mouth off, stirring things up just in pure fun. She<br />

was not offensive at all to the rest of us. But this other Aries woman was absolutely<br />

annoyed with her because she herself couldn't allow herself to do these kinds of<br />

impulsive, young, spontaneous actions, and so she put this woman down unmercifully.<br />

we were able to talk to her privately and reassure her about what was really going on.<br />

That was a very entertaining seminar. So watch whom you attract in your life. It's<br />

meaningful. Watch who you over-react to. Over-reaction means that you're being<br />

disturbed by something that you're not acknowledging in yourself. Something you want<br />

to do but can't let yourself do, so when someone else does it, it makes you mad!<br />

If we have decided that to be spiritual means to be not assertive, we will meet all<br />

the aggressive people in the world who overdo that, and they will throw their aggression<br />

at us until we've recovered some of that and can fight for our own rights. To be spiritual<br />

is to be whole, and that means to acknowledge the Aries side as well as the Pisces side<br />

of your nature. You can go pure Pisces and try to be a saint, and you will be a dead saint<br />

real fast! There's a proper time for Aries and a proper time for Pisces. Avoid the danger<br />

of repression or displacement.<br />

Eventually you have to deal with it and see that the other person can't help being<br />

the way they are right now. If you still react to them, it shows that you still need to work<br />

on your projected power which says, "Unless you like me and stop being angry at me, I'm<br />

no good." In other words, it says, "My self-esteem depends on how you react to me." So<br />

the Universe is still giving you a chance to work on that challenge in your nature. When<br />

you have worked it out, it won't bother you anymore.<br />

To me this is what astrology basically gives us. It gives us a picture of the whole<br />

of life. It isn't partial. And the problem with many psychological models of human<br />

nature is they are partial. They really don't show you the whole functioning picture. I<br />

have had a number of psychotherapists who got into astrology tell me that they don't<br />

realize how limited and one-sided their view of human nature was until they used<br />

astrology. They realized that they were only looking at a fraction of the person and<br />

missing a major part of the life. <strong>Astrology</strong> is not final truth and it doesn't give you all the<br />

answers, but it is more inclusive and more sophisticated and more useful for me than any<br />

of the other psychological models I have studied.<br />

In general, the traditional meanings of the aspects do hold. Where there are<br />

sextiles or trines and semi-sextiles, those two parts of those people will tend to get along<br />

comfortably. Where there are squares, octiles, and trioctiles, there we tend to have a<br />

stressful interaction; we need to be more conscious to work that out. Oppositions and<br />


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