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of C. The conservation equation ∂C/∂t =<br />

−div(JC)+λC is often referred to as the second<br />

Fickian law.<br />

field A mathematical construct that represents<br />

physical interactions as spread through<br />

space <strong>and</strong> time. Any quantity that can be defined<br />

at every point of (a region of) space (or<br />

spacetime) can be defined to be a field. Classical<br />

examples include the electromagnetic <strong>and</strong><br />

the gravitational field.<br />

field capacity (θfc) The maximum amount<br />

of water in the unsaturated zone of the soil that<br />

can be held against the pull of gravity.<br />

field line motion A theoretical formalism<br />

that helps visualize the effects of electric fields<br />

<strong>and</strong> varying magnetic fields on the plasma they<br />

permeate. In a magnetic field B, it ascribes to<br />

each point a velocity v that satisfies ∂B/∂t −<br />

∇×(v × B) = 0.<br />

If the field is embedded in a highly conducting<br />

fluid (e.g., the molten metal in the Earth’s<br />

core) or in a collision-free plasma (such as is<br />

found in space around Earth), the bulk flow<br />

velocity v of the fluid or plasma in general<br />

comes close to satisfying the MHD condition<br />

E =−v × B, where E is the ambient electric<br />

field. By Maxwell’s equations, the curl of this<br />

is the equation defining field line motion; hence,<br />

the fluid or plasma moves with the field lines.<br />

In a collisionless plasma the MHD condition<br />

is related to the electric drift of the plasma. In all<br />

such cases, two particles of the fluid or plasma<br />

which initially share the same field line continue<br />

doing so as time advances. It should, however,<br />

be noted that this is only the motion perpendicular<br />

to field lines: in addition, the fluid or plasma<br />

may also slide along field lines.<br />

Field line motion helps intuitive underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of plasma motions. In limiting cases where<br />

the motion dominates the magnetic field — e.g.,<br />

the solar wind which is known to move (more<br />

or less) radially — field line motion provides<br />

a shortcut to calculating the magnetic field B,<br />

given the sources of B on the sun. On the other<br />

h<strong>and</strong>, if B completely dominates the plasma<br />

(e.g., where it is very rarefied), if we know the<br />

way B changes (i.e., ∂B/∂t), the observed field<br />

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field ordering<br />

line structure can help derive the bulk flow velocity<br />

v.<br />

field of view The angular size of the full image<br />

formed in an optical instrument; the angular<br />

separation of two points that lie at the edges of<br />

the optical field.<br />

field ordering In condensed matter physics,<br />

when the temperature of a ferromagnet goes below<br />

the critical point, Tc, a non-zero magnetization<br />

M develops. The rotational symmetry previously<br />

possessed by the system is then broken<br />

due to the presence of a preferred direction, the<br />

one fixed by M. The value of M, zero for the<br />

high-temperature phase <strong>and</strong> non-zero for temperatures<br />

below Tc, plays the role of the order<br />

parameter of the phase transition.<br />

In cosmological transitions, the role of the<br />

order parameter is played by the vacuum expectation<br />

value of the Higgs field (here denoted<br />

φ). St<strong>and</strong>ard topological defects (like<br />

monopoles, walls, strings) involve regions in<br />

space where this order parameter remains in the<br />

high-temperature symmetric phase (vanishing<br />

φ). In this case the field potential energy (the<br />

false vacuum trapped inside the defect) is the<br />

main source of the energy associated with the<br />

defects.<br />

There are, however, other types of defects<br />

where the bulk of energy is concentrated not as<br />

potential energy but in spatial gradients. Cosmic<br />

textures are one example of this. They have the<br />

property that the broken-symmetry phase vacuum<br />

manifold M of the order parameter φ has<br />

the same dimension as space (equal to three, for<br />

cosmological applications), <strong>and</strong> this allows φ to<br />

always stay on M, regardless of the location<br />

considered. Hence, possessing no potential energy,<br />

all the relevant dynamics comes from the<br />

ordering of this field φ, that is from the tendency<br />

to minimize its gradients.<br />

Texture knots will shrink (instability to collapse)<br />

as explained by the Derrick theorem. This<br />

will result in the ordering field becoming increasingly<br />

tightly wound in the vacuum manifold.<br />

Then the spatial gradients (kinetic energy<br />

terms) in the configuration will eventually<br />

become so high as to be able to exceed the energy<br />

of the symmetric state <strong>and</strong> unwind the knot.<br />


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