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Brazil current<br />

A generalization of Brans–Dicke theory is<br />

given by the dilaton gravity theories, in which<br />

the scalar field φ is called the dilaton <strong>and</strong> couples<br />

directly to all matter fields, thus violating<br />

even the weak equivalence principle. See dilaton<br />

gravity.<br />

Brazil current A warm ocean current that<br />

travels southwestward along the central coast of<br />

South America.<br />

breaker zone The nearshore zone containing<br />

all breaking waves at a coast. Width of this zone<br />

will depend on the range of wave periods <strong>and</strong><br />

heights in the wave train <strong>and</strong> on bathymetry.<br />

breakwater A man-made structure, often of<br />

rubble mound construction, intended to shelter<br />

the area behind (l<strong>and</strong>ward of) it. May be used<br />

for erosion control or to shelter a harbor entrance<br />

channel or other facility.<br />

breccias Composite rocks found on the<br />

moon, consisting of heterogeneous particles<br />

compacted <strong>and</strong> sintered together, typically of a<br />

light gray color.<br />

Bremsstrahlung (German for braking radiation.)<br />

Radiation emitted by a charged particle<br />

under acceleration; in particular, radiation<br />

caused by decelerations when passing through<br />

the field of atomic nuclei, as in X-ray tubes,<br />

whereelectronswithenergiesoftensofkilovolts<br />

are stopped in a metal anode. Bremsstrahlung<br />

is the most common source of solar flare radiation,<br />

where it is generated by deceleration of<br />

electrons by the Coulomb fields of ions.<br />

bremstrahlung [thermal] The emission of<br />

bremstrahlung radiation from an ionized gas at<br />

local thermodynamic equilibrium. The electrons<br />

are the primary radiators since the relative<br />

accelerations are inversely proportional to<br />

masses, <strong>and</strong> the charges are roughly equal. Applying<br />

Maxwell’s velocity distribution to the<br />

electrons, the amount of emitted radiation per<br />

time per volume per frequency is obtained for a<br />

given temperature <strong>and</strong> ionized gas density.<br />

Brewster point One of three points on the<br />

sky in a vertical line through the sun at which<br />

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the polarization of skylight vanishes. Usually<br />

located at about 20 ◦ below the sun. See Arago<br />

point, Babinet point.<br />

brightness The luminosity of a source [J/sec]<br />

in the b<strong>and</strong>pass of interest. (For instance, if<br />

referred to visual observations, there are corrections<br />

for the spectral response of the eye.)<br />

Apparent brightness of a stellar object depends<br />

on its absolute luminosity <strong>and</strong> on its distance.<br />

The flux of energy through a unit area of detector<br />

(e.g., through a telescope objective) is<br />

F = L/4πr 2 [J/sec/m 2 ]. Stellar apparent magnitude<br />

gives a logarithmic measure of brightness:<br />

m =−2.5 log(F ) + K. The magnitude<br />

scale is calibrated by fixing the constant K using<br />

a number of fiducial stars. Absolute magnitude<br />

is defined as the apparent magnitude a source<br />

would have if seen at a distance of 10pc <strong>and</strong> is a<br />

measure of the absolute brightness of the source.<br />

brightness temperature The temperature of<br />

an equivalent black body with a given intensity<br />

<strong>and</strong> long wavelengths where the Rayleigh–<br />

Jeans approximation is valid. This temperature<br />

is used in radio <strong>and</strong> submillimeter astronomy<br />

<strong>and</strong> is given by<br />

TB =<br />

Iνc 2<br />

2kν 2<br />

where h <strong>and</strong> k are the Planck <strong>and</strong> Boltzmann<br />

constants, respectively, ν is the frequency in<br />

Hertz, <strong>and</strong> I ν is the monochromatic specific intensity<br />

(i.e., the flux per frequency interval per<br />

solid angle) in units of erg s −1 cm −2 Hz −1 sr −1 .<br />

To relate an object’s brightness temperature to<br />

its flux density in Janskys, the size of the source<br />

in stearadians (or the full width of the main beam<br />

of the radiotelescope) is used:<br />

which reduces to<br />

Sν = 2πkTBθ 2 4ln2/λ 2<br />

Sν = 7.35 × 10 −4 θ 2 TB/λ 2<br />

where θ is the width of the telescope’s full beam<br />

at half maximum in arcseconds, TB is the brightness<br />

temperature in Kelvins, λ is the center<br />

wavelength in centimeters, <strong>and</strong> Sν is the flux<br />

density in Janskys.

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