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Killing tensor<br />

Killing tensor A totally symmetric n-index<br />

tensor fieldKa1...an which satisfies the equation<br />

∇(bKa1...an) = 0 .<br />

(the round brackets denote symmetrization). A<br />

trivial Killing tensor is a product of lower-rank<br />

Killing tensors. See Killing vector.<br />

Killing vector The vector generator ξ associated<br />

with an isometry. When the Killing<br />

vector exists it may be viewed as generating an<br />

infinitesimal displacement of coordinatesx µ ↦→<br />

x µ +ɛξ µ (|ɛ| ≪1), with the essential feature<br />

that this motion is an isometry of the metric <strong>and</strong><br />

of any auxiliary geometrical objects (e.g., matter<br />

fields). Such a vector satisfies the Killing<br />

condition<br />

Lξ ,g= 0 .<br />

the vanishing of the Lie derivative of the metric<br />

tensor. In coordinates this is equivalent to<br />

ξµ;ν +ξν;µ = 0 where ; denotes a covariant<br />

derivative with respect to the metric. Similarly,<br />

other geometrical objects, T , satisfy LξT= 0.<br />

In a coordinate system adapted to the Killing<br />

vector, ξ = ∂<br />

∂xa , the metric <strong>and</strong> other fields do<br />

not depend on the coordinate xa . The Killing<br />

vectors of a given D-dimensional metric space<br />

form a vector space whose maximum possible<br />

dimension is D(D + 1)/2. Wilhelm Killing<br />

(1888). See isometry.<br />

K index The K index is a 3-hourly quasilogarithmic<br />

local index of geomagnetic activity<br />

based on the range of variation in the observed<br />

magnetic field measured relative to an assumed<br />

quiet-day curve for the recording site. The range<br />

oftheindexisfrom0to9. TheKindexmeasures<br />

the deviation of the most disturbed of the two<br />

horizontal components of the Earth’s magnetic<br />

field. See geomagnetic indices.<br />

kinematical invariants The quantities associated<br />

with the flow of a continuous medium:<br />

acceleration, expansion, rotation, <strong>and</strong> shear. In<br />

a generic flow, they are nonzero simultaneously.<br />

kinematics The study of motion of noninteracting<br />

objects, <strong>and</strong> relations among force, position,<br />

velocity, <strong>and</strong> acceleration.<br />

© 2001 by CRC Press LLC<br />

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kinematic viscosity Molecular viscosity divided<br />

by fluid density, ν = µ/ρ, where ν =<br />

kinematic viscosity,µ = molecular (or dynamic<br />

or absolute) viscosity, <strong>and</strong>ρ = fluid density. See<br />

eddy viscosity, dynamic viscosity.<br />

kinetic energy The energy associated with<br />

moving mass; since it is an energy, it has the<br />

units of ergs or Joules in metric systems. In nonrelativistic<br />

systems, for a point mass, in which<br />

position is described in rectangular coordinates<br />

{xi i = 1 ···N, where N = the dimension of<br />

the space, the kinetic energy T is<br />

T = 1<br />

2 m <br />

v i2<br />

= 1<br />

2 mδij v i v j<br />

δij = 1ifi = j; δij = 0 otherwise. Since<br />

δij are the components of the metric tensor in<br />

rectangular coordinates, it can be seen that T is<br />

m<br />

2 times the square of velocity v, computed as a<br />

vector T = m 2 (v · v). This can be computed in<br />

any frame, <strong>and</strong> in terms of components involves<br />

the components gij of the metric tensor as<br />

T = m<br />

2 gij v i v j ,<br />

where vi are now the components of velocity<br />

expressed in the general non-rectangular frame.<br />

In systems involving fluids, one can assign a<br />

kinetic energy density. Thus, if ρ is the mass<br />

velocity, the kinetic energy density (Joules/m3 )<br />

is t = ρvv.<br />

For relativistic motion, the kinetic energy is<br />

the increase in the relativistic mass with motion.<br />

We use E = γmc2 , where m is the rest mass of<br />

the object, c is the speed of light, c ∼ = 3 × 10 10<br />

cm/sec, <strong>and</strong> γ =<br />

1 <br />

1− v2<br />

c2 is the relativistic dila-<br />

tion factor <strong>and</strong> T = E −mc2 .Ifvis small compared<br />

to c, then Taylor expansion of γ around<br />

v = 0gives<br />

T = m 2 <br />

c 1 + 1 v<br />

2<br />

2 3 v<br />

+<br />

c2 8<br />

4 <br />

··· − mc<br />

c4 2<br />

which agrees with the nonrelativistic definition<br />

of kinetic energy, <strong>and</strong> also exhibits the first relativistic<br />

correction. Since v ≪ c in everyday experience,<br />

relativistic corrections are not usually

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