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harmonic model<br />

harmonic model The representation of a<br />

magnetic or gravitational field by a scalar potential<br />

V(x,y,z) satisfying Laplace’s equation<br />

∇ 2 V = 0, making V “harmonic”. Because<br />

of the spherical geometry of the Earth, both its<br />

gravity field <strong>and</strong> magnetic field are customarily<br />

exp<strong>and</strong>ed in spherical harmonics, which naturally<br />

group the expressions that make upV into<br />

monopole, dipole, quadrupole, octopole (etc.)<br />

terms, decreasing with radial distance r as 1/r,<br />

1/r 2 , 1/r 3, , 1/r 4 , etc. The rate at which corresponding<br />

field components decrease is larger by<br />

one power of r, i.e., these decrease as 1/r 2 , 1/r 3, ,<br />

1/r 4 , 1/r 5 , etc.<br />

The Earth’s gravity field is dominated by its<br />

monopole term, but the axisymmetric terms of<br />

higherorderm,uptom= 6(termswhosepotential<br />

decreases like 1/r m+1 ) are also needed in accurate<br />

calculation of satellite orbits <strong>and</strong> careful<br />

satellite studies give terms up to m≈ 20. The<br />

magnetic field B of the Earth inherently lacks<br />

the monopole term <strong>and</strong> its leading term, which<br />

dominates it, is the dipole term. Higher orders<br />

can also be fairly important near Earth, while<br />

far from Earth additional field sources need to<br />

be considered (see empirical models).<br />

Since the Earth’s magnetic field gradually<br />

changes with time (“secular variation”), scientists<br />

periodically extract from magnetic surveys<br />

<strong>and</strong> observations of each epoch (usually<br />

10 years) an International Geomagnetic Reference<br />

Field (IGRF), a harmonic model meant to<br />

give (for that epoch) the best available representation<br />

of the internal magnetic field <strong>and</strong> its rates<br />

of change, expressed by a given set of spherical<br />

harmonic coefficients <strong>and</strong> their time derivatives.<br />

The magnetic fields of other planets have also<br />

been represented in this manner, but because<br />

of the scarcity of observations, their harmonic<br />

models have a much lower accuracy.<br />

heat capacity The thermodynamic quantity<br />

dQ/dT , where dQ is an increment in heat energy,<br />

<strong>and</strong> dT is the corresponding increment in<br />

temperature. Always specified with some thermodynamic<br />

variable held fixed, as heat capacity<br />

at constant volume, or heat capacity at constant<br />

pressure.<br />

heat flow The study of how bodies generate<br />

interior heat <strong>and</strong> transport this heat to their sur-<br />

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faces; a subdiscipline of the field of geophysics.<br />

Most planetary bodies begin with substantial<br />

amounts of interior heat. Among the sources<br />

of such heat are the heat leftover from the formation<br />

of the body (accretion), heat produced<br />

by differentiation, heat produced by radioactive<br />

decay, tidal heating, <strong>and</strong> solar electromagnetic<br />

induction. This heat can melt interior materials,<br />

producing magma which can later erupt<br />

onto the body’s surface as volcanism. The heat<br />

contained in the body’s interior is transported<br />

to the surface of the body, where it escapes to<br />

space. The three ways in which this energy can<br />

be transported through the interior are by radiation<br />

(the absorption <strong>and</strong> reemission of energy<br />

by atoms), convection (physical movement of<br />

material, with hot material rising <strong>and</strong> cool material<br />

sinking), <strong>and</strong> conduction (transfer of energy<br />

by collisions between atoms). Larger bodies<br />

are more efficient at retaining their interior<br />

heat, which translates to a longer period of geologic<br />

activity. The thermal evolution of a body<br />

can be estimated by determining what mechanisms<br />

are responsible for its heating, how the<br />

body transports that energy to the surface, <strong>and</strong><br />

how long the body can retain its internal heat.<br />

heat flow density See heat flux.<br />

heat flux The flow of heat energy per unit<br />

area <strong>and</strong> per unit time. It is often called heat<br />

flow density or heat flow in geophysics.<br />

Heaviside, Oliver (1850–1925) Physicist<br />

<strong>and</strong> mathematician. Developed the modern vector<br />

form of Maxwell’s equations <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of the classical electrodynamics (via<br />

fundamental physical effects predicted <strong>and</strong> evaluated<br />

by him). He also developed the vector <strong>and</strong><br />

operational calculi, the ideas <strong>and</strong> applications<br />

of δ- <strong>and</strong> step-functions, as well as many practical<br />

applications of Maxwell’s theory in telephony<br />

<strong>and</strong> electromagnetic waves propagation<br />

in the atmosphere (the ionospheric layer, thus<br />

long-range radio communications). Heaviside<br />

wrote in the telegraph equation <strong>and</strong> analyzed its<br />

technological consequences in 1887, predicted<br />

Čerenkov radiation in 1888, was the first to introduce<br />

the Lorentz force (in 1889, three years<br />

before H.A. Lorentz), <strong>and</strong> he predicted the existence<br />

of the Heaviside–Kennelly ionized atmo-

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