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Here we mean that F is a function of all of the<br />

q i , all of the Pl, <strong>and</strong> of time.<br />

The equations connecting the old <strong>and</strong> new<br />

descriptions are then<br />

pl = ∂F<br />

∂q l<br />

Qk = ∂F<br />

∂Pk<br />

K = H+ ∂F<br />

∂t<br />

.<br />

Similar sets of equations can be derived by introducing<br />

different functions F. For instance,<br />

F(pi,Q l ,t)gives<br />

q k = −∂F/∂pk<br />

Pm = − ∂F<br />

∂Q m<br />

K = H+ ∂F<br />

∂t<br />

For the remaining two possibilities, one has the<br />

following rules: K=H+∂F/∂t always holds;<br />

derivatives with respect to the variables always<br />

come with fixed signs. That is, the other two sets<br />

ofequationsinvolveoneof∂F/∂q l or −∂F/∂pk<br />

<strong>and</strong> one of ∂F/∂Pm <strong>and</strong> −∂F/∂Q l (note the<br />

signs).<br />

Solution of one of these sets or its equivalent<br />

provides the coordinate transformation. The<br />

solution proceeds as follows: If, for instance<br />

F=F(q k ,Pj,t), then ∂F/∂q l is generally a<br />

function of q k ,Pj , <strong>and</strong> t. Hence Pl =∂F/∂q l<br />

can be inverted to solve for the new momenta<br />

Pl in terms of the old coordinates <strong>and</strong> momenta<br />

q k ,pj , <strong>and</strong>t. Similarly,∂F/∂Pk is a function of<br />

q k ,Pl, <strong>and</strong>t. Substituting in the expression for<br />

Pl in terms of q k ,pl ,t already found gives an<br />

explicit expression forQ p in terms ofq l ,pk,t.<br />

Finally, the new Hamiltonian K must be expressed<br />

entirely in terms of the new variables<br />

Q k ,Pl,tusing the relationships just found. See<br />

Hamilton–Jacobi Theory.<br />

Canopus -0.2 magnitude star, of spectral<br />

type FO at RA06 h 23 m 57.1 s dec −52 ◦ 41’44”.<br />

cap cloud An orographic stratocumulus<br />

cloud mass that forms closely over the top of<br />

a mountain, arising from the condensation of<br />

© 2001 by CRC Press LLC<br />

.<br />

carbon-14 dating<br />

water in air as it rises to the peak; a particular<br />

case of pileus.<br />

CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy)<br />

Provides a measure of the maximum<br />

possible kinetic energy that a statically unstable<br />

parcel can acquire, assuming that the parcel ascends<br />

without mixing with the environment <strong>and</strong><br />

instantaneously adjusts to the local environmental<br />

pressure. See available potential energy.<br />

Capella 0.08 magnitude binary star of spectral<br />

types G8+ FO at RA05 h 16 m 41.3 s , dec<br />

+45 ◦ 51 ′ 53 ′′ .<br />

capillarity correction Due to the fact that<br />

mercury does not wet glass, in glass/mercury<br />

barometers the top surface of the mercury is convex.<br />

A correction for the curvature of the surface<br />

must be made; the mercury height is slightly less<br />

than the expected height for a given air pressure.<br />

The corrections are slight, on the order of 2 mm<br />

or less.<br />

capillary fringe The zone directly above the<br />

water table that is saturated (soil wetness = 1)<br />

<strong>and</strong> under tension (pressure < 0). The height<br />

of the capillary fringe (hcr) is inversely proportional<br />

to the radius of the soil grains (r) <strong>and</strong><br />

directly proportional to the surface tension (σ )<br />

<strong>and</strong> the cosine of the contact angle (θc):<br />

hcr =<br />

2σ cos θc<br />

ρgr<br />

where ρg is the fluid weight density.<br />

capillary wave A water wave in which the<br />

primary restoring force is surface tension; waves<br />

with wavelength < ∼1.7 cm are considered capillary<br />

waves.<br />

carbon-14 dating A method to date a carbonaceous<br />

object by measuring the radioactivity<br />

of its carbon-14 content; this will determine how<br />

long ago the specimen was separated from equilibrium<br />

with the atmosphere-plant-animal cycle<br />

(“died”). Carbon-14 is continuously produced<br />

in the atmosphere by cosmic-ray bombardment<br />

<strong>and</strong> decays with a half-life typically described<br />

as 5568 years; dating is accomplished by comparing<br />

the carbon-14 activity per unit mass of

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