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eter) <strong>and</strong>ζ is the vertical component of relative<br />

vorticity; <strong>and</strong> H is the layer thickness.<br />

In a stratified fluid, the potential vorticity is<br />

defined by<br />

Q=<br />

ω+ 2 <br />

ρ<br />

·∇<br />

where ω is relative vorticity, is the Earth’s rotation,<br />

ρ is density, <strong>and</strong> is a conserved quantity.<br />

This form is called Ertel potential vorticity<br />

(Ertel, 1942). If is potential temperature, this<br />

is also called isentropic potential vorticity.<br />

potentiometric surface (or piezometric surface)<br />

Water will rise to the potentiometric<br />

surface in a well or piezometer penetrating a<br />

confined aquifer. The elevation of the potentiometric<br />

surface above an arbitrary datum is the<br />

sum of the pressure head <strong>and</strong> the elevation head,<br />

or the hydraulic head h in Darcy’s law. The<br />

water table is the potentiometric surface in an<br />

unconfined aquifer.<br />

power The rate of doing work, energy per<br />

unit time. In mechanics, power P= F· v. The<br />

units of power are erg/sec, or Joule/sec. Note<br />

that 1 Joule/sec ≡ 1 Watt.<br />

power-law fluid A viscous fluid in which<br />

the rate of shear strain is proportional to the<br />

power of shear stress. The flow law is often<br />

generalized to be ˙εij =Cσ n−1 σ ′ ij , where ˙εij<br />

is the rate of strain, σ ′ ij is deviatoric stress,<br />

σ=(σ ′ ijσ ′ ij/2) 1/2 is an invariant of σ ′ ij , <strong>and</strong><br />

C is a quantity independent of strain rate <strong>and</strong><br />

stress. An effective viscosity can be defined as<br />

µe =(2Cσ n−1 ) −1 , such that the flow law takes<br />

the form of the Newtonian fluid σ ′ ij= 2µe˙εij .<br />

A solid such as a rock deforms like a power law<br />

fluid as a result of dislocation creep at high temperatures<br />

<strong>and</strong> stresses.<br />

Poynting–Robertson effect A drag force<br />

arising on particles orbiting the sun, because solar<br />

radiation striking the leading surface is blueshifted<br />

compared to that striking the following<br />

surface. Thus, the particles receive a component<br />

of momentum from the radiation pressure which<br />

is opposite to the direction of motion. This drag<br />

force causes interplanetary dust particles to spiral<br />

inward towards the sun, removing such parti-<br />

© 2001 by CRC Press LLC<br />

prairie<br />

cles from the solar system. For 10 micron-sized<br />

dust particles at the Earth’s orbit, the Poynting–<br />

Robertson effect will cause these particles to spiral<br />

into the sun on a time scale of only 1 million<br />

years. The presence of interplanetary dust particles<br />

even today thus indicates that such material<br />

is continuously being resupplied by comets <strong>and</strong><br />

collisions among asteroids. In very accurately<br />

tracked satellites (e.g., LAGEOS) the Poynting–<br />

Robertson effect is important in long-term accurate<br />

modeling of the orbit.<br />

pprocess Thesetofnuclearreactionsresponsible<br />

for producing the rare nuclides of the heavy<br />

elementswithprotontoneutronratiohigherthan<br />

the ratio in the most tightly bound nuclides of<br />

each element. It acts on products of the s process<br />

<strong>and</strong> r process either by adding protons or<br />

(more likely) removing neutrons, <strong>and</strong> probably<br />

occurs in supernovae <strong>and</strong> their environs. No element<br />

has a p-process nuclide as its most abundant<br />

isotope, <strong>and</strong> so we know nothing about the<br />

abundance of p-process products outside the solar<br />

system.<br />

pp-waves (1923) In general relativity, a particular<br />

description of gravitational waves in a<br />

matter-free space, described by the metric<br />

ds 2 = 2 dudv − 2 dζd¯ζ + 2H (u, ζ, ¯ζ)du 2<br />

discovered by Brinkmann. The Weyl conformal<br />

curvature is Petrov type N, <strong>and</strong> the principal null<br />

direction is covariantly constant.<br />

H = f(ζ,u)+ ¯<br />

f ¯ζ,u .<br />

Here ζ is a complex stereographic spherical coordinate.<br />

In another representation<br />

ds 2 = 2H(x,y,z)dt 2 − dx 2 − dy 2 − 2 dzdt<br />

where the function H(x,y,z) satisfies the ellip-<br />

tic equation<br />

∂ 2<br />

∂2<br />

+<br />

∂x2 ∂y2 <br />

H = 0 .<br />

The normals of the wave fronts are covariantly<br />

constant vectors, hence the waves are planefronted.<br />

See Petrov types, Weyl tensor.<br />

prairie An extensive level or rolling grassl<strong>and</strong><br />

consisting of rich soil <strong>and</strong> a variety of<br />


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