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had not the Commodore and some of the officers been present, he would have<br />

attempted to handle me roughly. Another fact worthy of notice is, that the<br />

natives of many of the islands—and particularly those of Tana and Vate,<br />

New Hebrides—ornament their houses by planting around them the prettiest<br />

variegated plants they can find. Crotons and Dracaenas are great favourites<br />

with them, as also are plants with strong perfume, such as the Evodia, and<br />

others. It may appear strange to some that even those naked savages have a<br />

taste for the ornamental and beautiful, but I believe that there is no one in<br />

existence who could, without a feeling of delight, pass by a group of those<br />

most striking of all variegated plants, the Crotons and Dracaenas. No bouquet<br />

could produce a more varied display of brilliancy than I have seen in them.<br />

Imagine what a dazzling effect a Croton must produce, from 12 to 15 feet m<br />

height, having a mass of foliage, striped or spotted with the most glowing<br />

colours,—bright scarlet, vermilion, or yellow, reticulated with purple, green,<br />

orange, or pink. The Dracseuas, not less beautiful, are generally found upon<br />

the mountain slopes, and it is a strange fact, with regard to the latter, as well<br />

as with several other plants I have met with, that the colom-ed variety found<br />

ill one spot may not be found elsewhere upon the island. There is no general<br />

distribution of any but the green varieties, and those occur in all the islands.<br />

The Samoas seem to be well suited for the growth of sugar and coffee. Kice<br />

and cotton, too, would thrive in certain situations. Mr. Williams, the Consul,<br />

has several extensive plantations of both. In the garden of the Kev. Fathers<br />

Eondelle and Violette (French missionaries), I noticed many other introduced<br />

plants growing to great perfection. Their garden is well worthy of mention.<br />

It occupies altogether about sixty acres, and is situated upon a rich alluvial<br />

flat. The Mango {Manyifera Imlica), the Lichee {JUiiphonia Lichee) , Averrhoa<br />

Bilimbi, Achras saj^ota, Anona squamosa, and many other beautiful fruits,<br />

were here tln-iving most luxuriantly. The Vanilla aromatica had climbed up<br />

the stems of many of the Breadfi-uit and Cocoa-nut trees witli which this<br />

garden is studded. There is no very great display of artistic decoration in the<br />

garden itself, but it might justly be termed an Eden, from its picturesque situ-<br />

ation ; its running streams and small lakes ; its avenues and groups of Bread-<br />

fruit and Cocoa-nut ; its plantations of Banana, and thickets of Paiidanus.<br />

The growth of everything is exuberant. The pi'cttiest hedge I have ever seen,<br />

surrounded a fancy-garden near the house, it was formed of a dwarf, bright<br />

scarlet, large, double-flowering Hibiscus (indigenous to the Samoas), about 4<br />

feet high, which was literally covered with flowers, and presented indeed a<br />

gorgeous sight,—the glossy bright leaves occasionally peeping between the<br />

flowers. As we remained for nearly a week at Upolu, I was enabled to travel<br />

over a great portion of the island. The vegetation everywhere is indescribably<br />

rich, and consists principally of the Orders Malvacem, Myrtacea, Tillacece,<br />

Sapindacece, Guttiferce, AraliacecB, Aurantiacece, Leguminosce, Liliacece, Eu'<br />

phorbiacecE, Compositce, and Urticacece,<br />

{To be continued.)

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