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managed to ascend with difficulty. The thickets of scrub, reeds, and climbers,<br />

among tlie latter two species of Smllctx and a Ruhiis,—were often exceedingly<br />

troublesome. Sometimes my guides and myself had to crawl upon our hands<br />

and knees, and, after an hour's work in getting through one of those labyrinths,<br />

tripping and tumbling over the rocks hidden in the long grass, trailers, and<br />

decaying vegetation, a huge mass of rock and scoria cemented perliaps would<br />

present itself. There was no other alternative but to surmount it, or to encounter<br />

the same ordeal of crawling back through the almost impenetrable mass<br />

previously passed. Although those huge walls of rock are often nearly vertical^<br />

yet, from the soft nature of the volcanic matter, a rank vegetation springs from<br />

every projecting ledge, and, but for tlie oft-recurring interstices, by the aid of<br />

which the natives clamber up with the agility of monkeys, it would be utterly<br />

impossible to scale those barriers, which are often more than eighty feet in<br />

height. Amongst tlie thickly-matted vegetation which clothes the mountains<br />

to their summits one meets with many fine species of Ficits, which are often<br />

of gigantic size, and rendered extremely beautifid by a large mass oi Polt/podium<br />

diversifolium in almost every foi'k and upon every branch. Cassia ocei-<br />

dentalis and C. ohtusifoUa, together with several species of Piper, Asclepias<br />

Cttrassavica, Plumbago, Phyllanthns, and Sida liniphylla have spread them-<br />

selves over large tracts along the ridges. 3[orinda citrifolia and laurifoUa,<br />

whose large glossy green foliage often contrast beautifully with the purple<br />

heart-shaped leaves of PariUum purpiirascens, are pleasing objects. Pa-<br />

rifium liliaceum, with its bright green foliage and yellow flowers, is not less<br />

beautiful, and occurs more frequently in the valleys or close to the shore. A<br />

species of Euriia, a Coprosma, a MediniJla, and a Geissois are very abundant<br />

upon one of tlie mountains overlooking the beautiful valley of Livone, in<br />

which place I met with four species of SelagineUa growing so luxuriantly from<br />

the shade and moisture as to measure often five feet in height. Very abundant<br />

were varieties of AspJenitim, Durea, Davallia, Doodia, Nothoclena, Adianlum,<br />

IFtjpoIepis, Pteris, Microhpis, Drynaria, Todea, Litobrochia, Puli/podium,<br />

Nephrolepis, Nephrcdium, Lomaria, a Lygodium, a Marattia, and many other<br />

species of Fem. Davallia Fijietisis and a Tradescantia often clothed the rocks,<br />

and the former with a Aiphoholus, an ^acliynanthus, and a Ramelina, the<br />

stems of many of the larger trees, particularly the Inocarpus edtdis, an EIcbo-<br />

carpus, or a Calophyllum. The stems and branches oi Lumnitzera and Thespesia<br />

pojndnea were often literally hidden by a matting of Niphobolus, whose<br />

pendent ribbon-like fronds, Imnging gracefidly down, gave them a novel but<br />

beautiful appearance. Scarcely less singular and beautiful is the aspect of the<br />

larger trees when covered with a Freycinetia, of which I noticed two species,<br />

whose numerous tufts of lanceolate leaves up the stems and along the branches<br />

would suggest a climbing Pandanus, to which genus it is closely allied.<br />

Two species of Rkaphidophora often occur in the same manner, quite eclipsing<br />

the trunks and branches of the larger trees. The Pandanus is rarely met with<br />

far inland, but is found generally close to the sea. Its strong aerial roots pro-<br />

truding from the stem and descending in succession towards the ground, bear<br />

on their tips a loose, cup-like coating, which preserves their absorbents from<br />

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