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work devoted to original discoveries, and written in a language common<br />

to science of all nations,. is almost completed. The fourth volume<br />

of tlie universal work on the plants of Ausfralia is, through my<br />

aid, under the rare advantages attainable in the great national institu-<br />

tion of Kew, just completed by the President of the Linnean Society,<br />

and comprises the Orders of CoroUiflora. Extensive preliminary re-<br />

searches have been carried on already for the fifth, sixth, and seventh<br />

volumes ; to which, finally, a supplement is to be added. To promote,<br />

by further field researches, the objects of this large work, on which all<br />

subsequent medical, technological, and rural observations in reference<br />

to the native Australian vegetation must rest, I visited, during the<br />

past s})ring, one of the most important tracts of West Australia.<br />

Finally, also, the great task yet remains to be performed of tracing out<br />

more completely the relation of geology to the distribution of the plants<br />

existing as well as passed away,— a line of researches for which excel-<br />

lent geographical and geological maps are annually affording more fa-<br />

cilities. Mr. Dallachy continues sedulously to collect, both for the<br />

Garden and the Phytographic J\Iuseum, in the north-east part of<br />

Queensland.<br />

The following are the genera which, since the issue of my last Ee-<br />

port, by local independent researches, have been added to the system<br />

of Australian plants :<br />

—<br />

Dillenin, Cak'de, Aldrovanda, Gompliandra,<br />

Connarus, Slromjylodon, Salacia, Caryospei'immi, Casearia, Cticurbita,<br />

(Enunthe, Autlrrhwa, Laislanthus, Ophiorrhiza, GeopJdla, Aniseia, Ery-<br />

cibe, Icluiocarpus, Ceropegia, Bassia, ChrysopJiylluin, Thunbergia, Grap-<br />

tophylluHi, Dlschisvia, Cylicodaphne, Chinamouimn , Plecospernium, Taxo-<br />

iropliu, Hyrtarinndra, Nepentlws, Apostasia, Clrropdalum, Pogorda,<br />

Spaihoglottis, DraccBtia, Bambum, Centotheca, Angiopteris, Marnttia,<br />

Beparia, hoetes ; and the following genera new to phytography :<br />

FUzgeraldia, Pagelia, Bavidsonia, Thesjnd'mm, Eleutheranlhes, Thozetia,<br />

Curnaivonia, Barlingia, Helmholtzia, Coryiwtheca ; by which means re-<br />

presentatives of Comiarece, Saviydeoi, Sdaginece, NepentliecE, and Apoda-<br />

siacea arc added to the Australian flora. The following are additions to<br />

the list of Australian trees published in the volume of the Intercolonial<br />

Exhibition :<br />

—<br />

Melodoricni Maccraei, Pittosporum rubiginosum, P. venu-<br />

les urn, Eriostemon squameus, Sterculia lauri/oUa, Sloanea WooUsii, S.<br />

Macbridei, Gomphandra Australlana, Leucocarpon celadroides, Taxitro-<br />

phis rectinervis, Flcus Benjamiuea, Croton triacros, Beyera vlscosrt,<br />

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