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For the year ended For the year ended<br />

31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

(`) (`)<br />

18. Revenue from operations<br />

Profit/(loss) on sale of stock-in-trade (*)<br />

Dividend income from mutual funds held<br />

(3,001) 49,71,249<br />

as stock-in-trade<br />

Dividend income from investment in<br />

16,67,85,437 13,58,33,914<br />

equity instruments<br />

Interest Income<br />

4,34,70,632 3,16,05,338<br />

on loans 2,02,11,743 76,31,922<br />

from fixed deposit with bank 7,94,01,558 —<br />

Brokerage income 5,60,98,911 6,15,62,537<br />

Lease and other rentals 3,65,05,256 2,93,09,256<br />

40,24,70,536 27,09,14,216<br />

(*) Profit/(loss) on sale of stock-in-trade<br />

Sales 3570,56,12,281 5859,05,47,086<br />

Less : Purchases 3855,57,61,995 5743,30,93,434<br />

Add / (less) : increase/(decrease) in<br />

(285,01,49,714) 115,74,53,652<br />

closing stock-in-trade 285,01,46,713 (115,24,82,403)<br />

Profit /(loss) on sale of stock-in-trade (3,001) 49,71,249<br />

19 Other income<br />

Interest income<br />

Interest on income tax refund<br />

Net gain on foreign currency transaction<br />

3,448 693<br />

and translation 15,16,976 24,70,485<br />

Profit on sale of fixed assets<br />

Provision for standard assets released<br />

469 93,693<br />

during the year 5,39,420 —<br />

Liability no longer required written back 14,018 —<br />

Miscellaneous Income 13,04,694 37,17,317<br />

33,79,025 62,82,188<br />

20. Employee benefits expense<br />

Salaries and wages 1,27,89,306 1,02,39,097<br />

Contribution to provident and other funds 22,46,195 48,42,648<br />

Staff welfare expenses 6,23,331 5,25,460<br />

1,56,58,832 1,56,07,205<br />

21 Finance cost<br />

Interest on income tax 806 40,41,236<br />

806 40,41,236<br />

24. Additional notes to the financial statements<br />

1. Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts :<br />

Sales tax claims disputed by the Company relating to issues of applicability-<br />

` 57,99,216/- (2011 – ` 56,20,611/-) .<br />

2. Guarantees and Counter Guarantees outstanding Nil (2011– ` 1,78,605/-)<br />

3. Loans to related parties in note 11 and 16 include :<br />

(a) Loan to a fellow subsidiary, balance as at the year end is as follows:<br />

Wimco Limited (*) – ` 2,00,00,000/- (2011- ` 10,00,00,000)<br />

(b) Interest free loans to fellow subsidiaries, balances as at the year end are<br />

as follows:<br />

Technico Pty Limited, Australia (#) – ` Nil (2011 – ` 2,30,53,750/-).<br />

Technico Agri Sciences Limited (#) – ` Nil (2011 – ` 12,00,00,000/-).<br />

(c) The maximum indebtedness during the year :<br />

Wimco Limited (*) – ` 55,00,00,000/- (2011- ` 30,00,00,000/-)<br />

Technico Pty Limited, Australia (#) – ` 2,30,53,750/- (2011– ` 2,30,53,750/-).<br />

Technico Agri Sciences Limited (#) – ` 12,00,00,000/- (2011 –<br />

` 12,00,00,000/-).<br />

(*) Subsidiary till 28.09.2011. Fellow subsidiary with effect from 29.09.2011<br />

(#) Subsidiary till 25.03.2012. Fellow subsidiary with effect from 26.03.2012<br />

4. Expenditure in foreign currency during the year:<br />

Market research expenses : ` Nil (2011 - ` 1,11,487/- )<br />

5. Value of imports during the year (C.I.F. basis) :<br />

Capital Goods : ` 6,87,39,801 /- (2011-Nil)<br />

6. Earnings Per Share : For the year ended For the year ended<br />

31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

Profit after tax (`) 31,43,35,033/- 19,97,14,095/-<br />

Weighted average number of equity<br />

shares outstanding 64,64,78,737 64,64,78,737<br />

Basic and diluted earnings per share in<br />

Rupees (Face Value – `10/- per share) ` 0.49 ` 0.31<br />

11. Maturity pattern of certain assets and liablities :<br />

7. The status of the petition filed by an individual in the High Court at Calcutta,<br />

seeking an injunction against the Company’s Counter Offer to the shareholders<br />

of VST Industries Limited, is outlined in the Report of the Directors.<br />

8. Segment Reporting - The Company operates in a single business segment i.e.<br />

Financial Services and in a single geographical segment.<br />

9. Capital to Risk Adequacy Ratio:<br />

Items 31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

(i) CRAR (%) 114.55 99.32<br />

(ii) CRAR - Tier I capital (%) 114.54 99.30<br />

(iii) CRAR - Tier II Capital (%) 0.01 0.02<br />

10. Exposure to Real Estate Sector:<br />

Category 31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

(a) Direct exposure<br />

(i) Residential Mortgages Nil Nil<br />

(ii) Commercial Real Estate Nil Nil<br />

(iii) Investments in Mortgage Backed<br />

Securities (MBS) and other<br />

securitised exposures -<br />

a. Residential, Nil Nil<br />

b. Commercial Real Estate Nil Nil<br />

(b) Indirect Exposure<br />

Fund based and non-fund based<br />

exposures on National Housing Bank<br />

(NHB) and Housing Finance<br />

Companies (HFCs). Nil Nil<br />

(` in Lakhs)<br />

1 to 30/31<br />

days<br />

(one month)<br />

Over 1<br />

month to<br />

2 months<br />

Over 2<br />

months to<br />

3 months<br />

Over 3<br />

months to<br />

6 months<br />

Over 6<br />

months to<br />

one year<br />

Over<br />

1 year to<br />

3 years<br />

Over<br />

3 years to<br />

5 years<br />

Over<br />

5 years<br />

Total<br />

Liabilities<br />

Borrowings from Banks — — — — — — — — —<br />

Market Borrowings<br />

Assets<br />

— — — — — — — — —<br />

Advances<br />

Investments<br />

—<br />

54206.72*<br />

— — — — — — — —<br />

1 — — — — — — 15021.02* 2 69227.74<br />

* 1 Investments classified as Inventories as per Note 13<br />

* 2 Investments classified as Non Current Investments as per Note 10<br />

12<br />


For the year ended For the year ended<br />

31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

(`) (`)<br />

22 Other expenses<br />

Rent 9,28,371 8,28,000<br />

Bank, custodial and depository charges<br />

Repairs and maintenance<br />

29,828 3,61,036<br />

Buildings 1,68,240 1,68,240<br />

Electricity charges 4,37,098 3,92,347<br />

Travelling and conveyance 84,585 62,088<br />

Rates and taxes 24,204 24,600<br />

Professional and legal fees<br />

Payment to auditor<br />

13,71,144 3,39,348<br />

As auditors- statutory audit 1,50,000 1,50,000<br />

For taxation matters (*) 75,000 1,00,000<br />

For other matters (*) 1,50,000 2,00,000<br />

Reimbursement of expenses (*) 4,812 30,499<br />

Communication expenses 25,624 26,177<br />

Printing, stationery and periodicals 75,471 69,589<br />

Donation (**) — 1,50,00,000<br />

Provision for standard assets — 8,54,154<br />

Miscellaneous expenses 8,31,789 8,77,167<br />

43,56,166 1,94,83,245<br />

(*) Paid to the erstwhile auditors, ` Nil ( 2011- ` 3,30,499/-) a firm in which some<br />

of the partners of the statutory auditors firm are partners<br />

(**) Donation of ` 1,50,00,000/-, was made to All India Congress Committee of<br />

the Indian National Congress in 2011<br />

23 Tax expense<br />

For the year ended For the year ended<br />

31st March, 2012 31st March, 2011<br />

(`) (`)<br />

Current tax<br />

- for the year 6,00,00,000 3,00,00,000<br />

- for earlier years (913) (23,68,576)<br />

(A) 5,99,99,087 2,76,31,424<br />

Deferred tax<br />

- for the year (8,82,260) (13,64,526)<br />

(B) (8,82,260) (13,64,526)<br />

(A+B) 5,91,16,827 2,62,66,898

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