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<strong>ITC</strong> INFOTECH LIMITED<br />

Deferred taxation<br />

Deferred tax is recognised on all timing differences where the transactions or events that give the company an obligation to pay more tax in the future,<br />

or a right to pay less tax in the future, have occurred by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised when it is more likely than not<br />

that they will be recovered. Deferred tax is measured using rates of tax that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.<br />

Foreign currencies<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities are translated<br />

at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. All exchange differences are dealt with through the profit and loss account except that gains<br />

and losses arising from the retranslation of the opening retained earnings in overseas branches are adjusted against the reserves.<br />

Recruitment costs<br />

Legal costs and other charges incurred to obtain visas and other required immigration papers for recruits, recruitment fees and relocation costs are<br />

charged to the Profit & Loss Account when such costs are incurred.<br />

2. Turnover<br />

The turnover and profit before tax are attributable to the one principal activity of the company.<br />

An analysis of turnover is given below:<br />

Unaudited Unaudited<br />

2012 2012 2011 2011<br />

£ ` £ `<br />

United Kingdom 17,539,289 1,347,718,967 16,133,769 1,158,323,945<br />

India 4,782,616 367,496,213 3,606,992 258,963,991<br />

US 129,455 9,947,322 236,794 17,000,625<br />

Singapore 190,461 14,635,023 9,676 694,688<br />

Europe 1,653,783 127,076,686 2,203,074 158,169,698<br />

Other 52,200 4,011,048 34,538 2,479,656<br />

24,347,804 1,870,885,259 22,224,843 1,595,632,603<br />

3. Other operating charges<br />

Administrative expenses 4,556,845 350,147,970 4,775,531 342,859,248<br />

Provision for leave encashment no longer required (239,429) (18,397,724) — —<br />

4,317,416 331,750,246 4,775,531 342,859,248<br />

4. Operating profit<br />

Operating profit is stated after charging:<br />

Depreciation of owned fixed assets<br />

Auditor’s remuneration:<br />

15,729 1,208,616 17,138 1,230,422<br />

- audit fees 19,750 1,517,590 20,775 1,491,541<br />

- non-audit fees – taxation and other services 3,250 249,730 14,505 1,041,386<br />

Loss / (gain) on foreign exchange<br />

Operating lease costs:<br />

(26,053) (2,001,913) 100,051 7,183,161<br />

Land and buildings 41,919 3,221,056 53,191 3,818,848<br />

Plant and equipment 1,809 139,004 1,809 129,877<br />

5. Directors and employees<br />

The average number of staff employed by the company during the financial year amounted to:<br />

2012 2011<br />

No. No.<br />

Staff<br />

The aggregate payroll costs of the above were:<br />

232 210<br />

Unaudited Unaudited<br />

2012 2012 2011 2011<br />

£ ` £ `<br />

Wages and salaries 10,020,001 769,936,877 8,719,581 626,022,318<br />

Social security costs 997,985 76,685,167 787,840 56,562,973<br />

Remuneration in respect of directors was nil (2011: £nil).<br />

11,017,986 846,622,044 9,507,421 682,585,291<br />

6. Interest receivable & similar income<br />

Bank interest receivable 2,199 168,971 4,285 307,642<br />

Other miscellaneous income 4,343 333,716 — —<br />

6,542 502,687 4,285 307,642<br />


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