electronic warfare self-protection of battlefield helicopters - Aaltodoc

electronic warfare self-protection of battlefield helicopters - Aaltodoc

electronic warfare self-protection of battlefield helicopters - Aaltodoc


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15<br />

RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade<br />

rpm revolution per minute<br />

RTO (NATO) Research and Technology Organization<br />

RWR Radar Warning Receiver<br />

SA Situational Awareness<br />

S/A Semi-Active<br />

SAM Surface-to-Air Missile<br />

SAR Search and Rescue, Synthetic Aperture Radar<br />

SBA Simulation Based Acquisition<br />

S-band IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency band 2-4 GHz<br />

SEAD Suppression <strong>of</strong> Enemy Air Defense<br />

Si Silicon<br />

SIGINT Signal Intelligence<br />

SLB Sidelobe Blanking<br />

SLC Sidelobe Cancellation<br />

SORO Scan on Receive Only (cf. COSRO, LORO)<br />

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio<br />

SPAAG Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun<br />

sr steradian<br />

SSM S<strong>of</strong>t Systems Methodology<br />

S/T-rdr Search/Track Radar (separated as S-rdr, T-rdr)<br />

S&T Science and Technology<br />

SW S<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

SWIR Short-Wave Infrared, defined as 0.92-2.5 m in the present work<br />

STANAG (NATO) Standardization Agreement<br />

T&E Test and Evaluation<br />

TOA Time <strong>of</strong> Arrival<br />

TTG Time-to-Go<br />

TV Television<br />

TVM Track Via Missile<br />

TWT Traveling Wave Tube<br />

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle<br />

UHF Ultra High Frequency, IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency<br />

band 300-3000 MHz<br />

UK United Kingdom<br />

UN United Nations<br />

UNMEE UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea<br />

US United States (<strong>of</strong> America)<br />

UV Ultraviolet<br />

UWB Ultra-Wide Bandwidth<br />

V-band IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency band 40-75 GHz<br />

VGPO Velocity Gate Pull-Off<br />

VHF Very High Frequency, IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency<br />

band 30-300 MHz<br />

VIP Very Important Person<br />

V&V Verification and Validation<br />

W Watt<br />

W-band IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency band 75-110 GHz<br />

WOW Weight on Wheel<br />

WWII World War II<br />

X-band IEEE Std TM 521-2002 designation for the frequency band 8-12 GHz<br />

YIG Yttrium Iron Garnet<br />

ZnS Zinc Sulfide<br />

ZnSe Zinc Selenide<br />

m micrometer<br />

µs microsecond

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