English - Global Environment Facility

English - Global Environment Facility

English - Global Environment Facility


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technical assistance includes dissemination of innovative technologies for ecotourism promotion<br />

in target markets, .enhancing energy-efficiency in tourism services, visitor safety, and private<br />

sector and community participation in biodiversity monitoring; (ii) capacity building of existing<br />

local networks of service providers and development of ecotourism business opportunities. In the<br />

case of the PAs where indigenous communities are present (e.g., La Amistad, Chagres, Darien),<br />

capacity building will be preceded by a socio-cultural process of familiarization or<br />

„rapprochement‟ with the communities to assess their interest in providing ecotourism services<br />

that are compatible with the principles of development with identity, their needs, expectations<br />

and concerns; (iii) elaboration of a minimum of 5 individual PAs business plans linking each PA<br />

to potential services providers, and the articulation of those plans within a broader strategic<br />

sustainable financing plan for all selected 9 PAs; (iv) development and implementation of<br />

environmental education campaigns aimed at key local and national stakeholders (public and<br />

private) and focusing on the economic value of PAs and the benefits of their sound management<br />

and use; (v) support to ATP and ANAM to undertake market studies, promotion strategies, and<br />

marketing campaigns to position the 9 pilot PAs and their service networks in the national and<br />

international ecotourism markets, including tools, participation in trade shows, printed and<br />

audiovisual material etc; (vi) issuing at least 4 concessions, 4 operating permits and 4 comanagement<br />

agreements under a streamlined and cost-efficient system, and; (vii) consolidation<br />

of at least 2 productive value chains connecting tourists, national tour operators and local service<br />

providers for two PAs with the greatest competitive advantage to ensure that communities and<br />

small businesses have better access to markets.<br />


18. The project contributes to advance the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the CBD (in<br />

particular the goals of program elements 1, 2 and 4), the Plan of Implementation of the World<br />

Summit on Sustainable Development (in particular section IV), the World Ecotourism Summit<br />

2002 and its Quebec Declaration, and the <strong>Global</strong> Code of Ethics for Tourism as adopted by the<br />

UN World Tourism Organization, in order to increase the benefits from tourism resources for<br />

local communities while mainstreaming the cultural and environmental integrity of those<br />

communities and enhancing the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and natural heritage.<br />

19. This project contributes to the generation of global environmental benefits through:<br />

a. Improved overall management effectiveness and financial sustainability of a network of<br />

protected areas totalling an extension of 1,264,534 ha of terrestrial PAs (42.2% of the<br />

national system‟s total) and 213,253 ha of protected marine PAs (49.3% of the national<br />

system‟s total), including three areas of international recognition (Darien National Park and<br />

International Park “La Amistad”, which are declared Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO<br />

World Heritage Sites, while the Coiba Marine National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage<br />

Site). All nine PAs selected as priorities are also classified as Important Bird Areas (IBA) of<br />

Panama for their global relevance in providing habitat for the conservation of bird<br />

populations, including globally threatened and restricted range species.<br />

b. Contribution to the protection of habitats for globally threatened species, including several<br />

endangered or vulnerable (as defined by the IUCN Red List) frogs (e.g., Atelopus certus, A.<br />

glyphus, A. zeteki), marines turtles (e.g., Eretmochelys imbricata, Demochelys coriacea),<br />

birds (e.g., Ara ambigua) and mammals (e.g., Tapirus bairdii). Moreover, the network of<br />

nine pilot PAs presents a high level of biodiversity and endemism, such as is the case with<br />

CEO Endorsement Template-December-08.doc 16

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