Winter - The Deerhound Club

Winter - The Deerhound Club

Winter - The Deerhound Club


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Mad Englishmen and Does Go Out In <strong>The</strong> Middav Sun<br />

<strong>The</strong> old Noel Coward ditty was never so apposite as on the Sunday of the<br />

Bournemouth dog show. As the sun soared to its apex on the hottest day ever<br />

recorded in this country and the temperature went though the mercury levels. What<br />

else were <strong>Deerhound</strong> folk to do but parade in the rrridday sun?<br />

"....1n tropical climes there are certain times of day<br />

When all the citizens retire to tear there clothes off and perspire.<br />

It's one of the rules that the greatest fools obey,<br />

Because the sun is much to sultry and one must avoid it's ultra violct r:rr<br />

<strong>The</strong> natives grieve when the white men leave their huts<br />

Because they're obviously, definitely nuts!..."<br />

We ourselves had made the trip to the Bournernouth show as our usual arrrrrlrl lr,rlr,l,r<br />

in the New Forest. A pleasant and leisurely trip down on the Friday gavc us ;r l',rlrrr.,<br />

evening in the hotel. A few aperitifs, followed by dinner, provided a ltlcirsrrrrr , rr,l r,,<br />

the day. On the Saturday we set ofTfor what was intended to be a stifl'rvrrlk rr rrlr rlr,<br />

father and son dogs, Mac and Bruce. We settled on the River Walk at llLrck lcr ,, I l.rr, I<br />

<strong>The</strong> sun was beginning to beat down even at 9.00 atn we set off along lhc brrrrl.,, r't tlr,<br />

Beaulieu river. At first it was a very enjoyable trek but probably not lirr llrurt, rrlro,,t<br />

puppy inquisitiveness saw his interest in sorne fish activity end up witlt irrr<br />

unscheduled head first swim in the river. However, this rnisadventurc vcrr slrortlr<br />

became a blessing in disguise as the heat suddenly soared. Bruce's drcrrchirrl slr',',1<br />

him in good stead as opposed to Mac, for whom inquisitiveness always c()nr('\ ir l)r)()l<br />

second to safety, who began to wilt in the heat. Still. he wasn't tlre only orre irs lrotlr<br />

Cath and rnyself began to fade. We decided to cut the walk short and lrcird blt l. lirr<br />

the safety of the cal and air conditioning. After stopping at a countfy pub lirr lrrrrtlr<br />

Cath began to feel decidedly iffu and the rest of the day was spent irr the lrotcl rr illr<br />

her feeling more and more unwell as l, bored out of my head, only succccclcd irr lt.r<br />

ting more and more sozzled (or, given the heat, should that read "sizzlcd"'l). lhe<br />

night failed to bring any relief and Cath awoke at about 2.00am f'eeling rcallf ill<br />

When morning came we both f-elt all we really wanted to do was to get honrc brrr<br />

having come all this way we decided we should nrake the ellbrt to get to the slro*<br />

So, to the show we went. <strong>The</strong>re we met more hardy souls. <strong>The</strong> weather had obviorrslr<br />

put some off (when would you lrave thought adverse weather conditions woulcl nrcrrrr<br />

too much heat ?) but the <strong>Deerhound</strong> representation was very respectable. Havin_u gol<br />

there we were pleased that we had, at least, brought enough cover fbr the dogs ancl<br />

Helga Jansen canre to rescue with spare wet towels to drape round Mac and Bruce<br />

When we ntet up with Glenis and Mick Peach the heat was becorrring unbearable bLrr I<br />

had just returned fi'om tlte car with additional cover in the shape of a large umbrella<br />

t4<br />

( ilenis irnnlediatelY seized<br />

rrpon this as her onlY means<br />

ol' surviving the inf'erno,<br />

slre soent tlre rest of the<br />

show doing a Passable<br />

irnpression of the Queen of<br />

Sheba as I had to<br />

continuallY adjust the<br />

rrrnbrella to ensure that she<br />

rvas always in the shade, (a<br />

llrst lltere then Glenis? -<br />

orrly jokirrgl). <strong>The</strong> Sun<br />

()ueen slre is not!<br />

A nurnber of PeoPle Passing M<br />

try were arnazed thal<br />

.'nr,"r*r, '""tioi,i groupt had been tlt,,t:,:t-::il"::::t,T::lt:ff::<br />

" T"":d l"<br />

iaj ;:;, ;; ;";;;eeriounds showing in the.fuil gtareof the:ll_<br />

111i"c^:jj'::<br />

ffiL,# il il.i'* ffi ;; J i." *o i t ias h ard I v *<br />

:Y:l':l:gll i: :l':,::":*:'"I'<br />

;""Hi ;; l" il:;; *;; ;; t * .'". the i r te rn pe rs q"t:il c :T:::.:::^*"i5,::1 :i<br />

##i# il;; ;;;* i;k;;v the handrers.as theludge' ':':"::i:l"l::l:0,::'"',:o' '<br />

,uJlr,l. sergeant n',iio.' u'ktd fbr yet another lap of the ring' It was a toss r'rp as to<br />

wlrowastnoreinrreedoffirstaidaseachclassfinished-thedogsortlrehandlers'<br />

As the ntorrring headed to high noon I rentarked to Mick Peach how the strn had<br />

sudderrly seetned t" U. gttti'i evgn m.o.re intense' Whilst we weren't to know that it<br />

was.itrst building up ,n i,. recird breaking level it was therr that the Noel coward<br />

ditty carre to be so patently correct'<br />

WhetlrerornotitwasthesunscratrrbIingthebrains,Iknowrrot'btttmyseIf,Mickand<br />

Glenis spent the searing heat of midday discttssing the finer points of chicken<br />

breeding. lratching eggs ana Mick's amazing hatching machines' plus our worm<br />

breedin! ideas. <strong>The</strong> srtn has a lot to answer for' J'F' Keeley<br />

ffi,!iolll'l,tt,s.E!,kc,S'hannott-rhebottleofwinewasdonatecl<br />

ht, Evke t. tlte S.tttlt or,,rin,.n H.untl open sltou,, not sure il it u,ent into lhe rcrffle or<br />

.r'u,s enjol'etl h.t' thc exhihitors' L'd<br />

Scapular22Poilrtofshoulder2lHurnorotrs20ElbowJoint|8Radiusofl.JlnalT<br />

stop I pelvis 8 L.ar.pLrs i6 M",u.urp,rs I5 Sternuur l9 Phalanges l4 Tarsus l2 Lumbar<br />

Vertebrac(1,I.|ror.acicVertebrae5Frontalbones2occiput3CervicalVertebrae4Sa<br />

ral Vertcbrac 7 lctttttrg Stifle l0 Tibia and Fibia ll Metatarsal bones l3<br />


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