Allelochemicals Biologica... - Name

Allelochemicals Biologica... - Name

Allelochemicals Biologica... - Name


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cycles 2 and 3. The results indicate that the use of velvetbean in a cropping system<br />

alters the microbial communities of the rhizosphere and soil, and they are consistent<br />

with the hypothesis that the resulting control of nematodes results from induction of<br />

soil suppressiveness.<br />

6.1. Resistence through natural compounds<br />

Sometimes, natural compounds that confer resistance to a plant against nematode<br />

infestation could be of foreign origin (Reitz et al., 2000). Recent studies have shown<br />

that living and heat-killed cells of the rhizobacterium Rhizobium etli strain G12 induce<br />

in potato roots systemic resistance to infection by the potato cyst nematode Globodera<br />

pallida. To better understand the mechanisms of induced resistance, Reitz et al. (2000)<br />

focused on identifying the inducing agent. Since heat-stable bacterial surface<br />

carbohydrates such as exopolysaccharides (EPS) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are<br />

essential for recognition in the symbiotic interaction between Rhizobium and legumes,<br />

their role in the R. etli-potato interaction was studied. EPS and LPS were extracted<br />

from bacterial cultures, applied to potato roots, and tested for activity as an inducer of<br />

plant resistance to the plant-parasitic nematode. Whereas EPS did not affect G. pallida<br />

infection, LPS reduced nematode infection significantly in concentrations as low as 1<br />

and 0.1 mg ml(-1). Split-root experiments, guaranteeing a spatial separation of inducing<br />

agent and challenging pathogen, showed that soil treatments of one half of the root<br />

system with LPS resulted in a highly significant (up to 37%) systemic induced reduction<br />

of G. pallida infection of potato roots in the other half. The results clearly showed<br />

that LPS of R. etli G12 act as the inducing agent of systemic resistance in potato<br />

roots.<br />

In relation with Crotalaria spp. secondary metabolites, it is well known that<br />

these plants produce pyrrolizidine alkaloids and monocrotaline which have high<br />

vertebrate toxicity and could potentially be toxic to nematodes; but it is possible also<br />

that the low C/N ratio of Crotalaria may also contribute to its allelopathic effect<br />

against nematodes. Materials with very low C/N or high content of ammonia will<br />

either result in plasmolysis of nematodes, or proliferation of nematophagous fungi<br />

due to the release of NH4+-N (Rich and Rahi, 1995).<br />

6.2. Soil Amendments<br />



A study was conducted to determine the effects of combinations of organic amendments<br />

and benzaldehyde on plant-parasitic and non-parasitic nematode populations, soil<br />

microbial activity, and plant growth (Chavarria-Carvajal et al., 2001). Pine<br />

bark, velvetbean and kudzu were applied to soil at rates of 30 g/kg and paper waste at<br />

40 g/kg alone and in combination with benzaldehyde (300 mul/kg), for control of<br />

plant-parasitic nematodes. Pre-plant and post-harvest soil and soybean root samples<br />

were analyzed, and the number of parasitic and non-parasitic nematodes associated<br />

with soil and roots were determined. Soil samples were taken at 0, 2, and 10 weeks<br />

after treatment to determine population densities of bacteria and fungi. Treatment<br />


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