Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns

Aquarian Mythology - Film Score Rundowns


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In India Brahma (Set) emerges from the waters of Narayana (Pisces) of the lotus from the<br />

navel (Omphalos) of Vishnu (the Cosmic Sea of Love Wisdom) in Pisces. So also Ra (the<br />

Sun in Aries) is said to emerge from the lotus floating on the ocean of Nun (Pisces).<br />

Osiris uses the ladders of Horus and Set to ascend to heaven. Horus, as the Sun-child<br />

ruler of Leo in the Higher Self, reflects the macrocosmic energies of Osiris in Aquarius<br />

(the polar opposite of Leo). Osiris placed in the coffin (Libra) of Set (the Demiurge in<br />

Aries) is another polar opposite depicting the Tree of Life (Aries-Libra axis).<br />

The Death and Rebirth of Osiris (A)<br />

Osiris, the god, is slain by Typhon because he as a Monad must descend on the Wheel of<br />

the Zodiac to incarnation, through the seven planes (7 x 2 = 14), into a physical body<br />

which is the death of the Soul. Horus (Christ) is the Soul risen from the body. He is said<br />

to "kill" Typhon (i.e. free the Soul from the Wheel of Birth and Death).<br />

As Osiris descends to the underworld so Christ descends into Hades (the physical body)<br />

to preach to the spirits in prison. (Acts 2.3; I Peter 3.18,19).<br />

Tammuz died for "three days" (the tripartite nature of the Lower Self) then was<br />

resurrected at Easter (the Vernal Equinox). So also did Jesus spend three days in the<br />

tomb. Is this not a Universal Symbol?<br />

Easter is Eostre (the Dawn of Aries) who springs from Ishtar (Easter), Astarte or<br />

Ashtoreth. She is the Virgin Mother of Pisces. The Sanskrit root vas or us means "light",<br />

Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, is ius-pitar, the Father or controller of the Light-Source in<br />

Aquarius.<br />

The celebrants of the Easter Festival of Tammuz's resurrection said,<br />

"Hail to the Dove, the restorer of Light."<br />


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